I have started taking my little one to the aquarium and trying to teach him about fish etc. I found this on youtube and thought you might find it interesting. It is aquarium movie set to classical music The Carnival of Animals. Here is the link:
Thanks! “Fish” was Gabriel’s first sign, so I’m sure he’ll enjoy seeing this.
I found another excellent video about penguins and the Antartica.
Here is an excellent video to teach about the desert.
Here is a really cool video about elephants.
How to be a zookeeper:
Two King Cobras in male combat:
Interesting video about snakes:
Here are some short dinosaur videos
there are others
You do know that you can upload these to out new video gallery, right? http://forum.brillkids.com/announcements/check-out-new-forum-video-gallery!/
you think I should?
Sure! That’s what it’s there for! You’ll get points for posting videos too.
Dear Patreiche,
These videos are great! Why not post them to the video gallery? If you don’t, then I will - don’t you want to the points? (Kidding).
- Ayesha
They can’t be posted. None of the areas apply either. If KL sets up an area for this so I can I will.
Yes I would like the points … It says this site is not allowed. I put the one up from YOUTUBE but I am not sure I put it in the right area.
I like these because they are very short and highly educational I think. They expose the babies to things they will probably never see. The fact they are extremely short I think is wonderful.
Dear Patreiche,
Ahhh - I see. If you can find a way - others can suggest better than I - to upload them to youtube or metacafe - and then post them in the Video Gallery > Encylopedic Knowledge section.
I think they are wonderful and so do Sarah & Salma!
Thanks, glad I could share them with you.