Video updates of Ella's violin progress :-)

Here are some videos I took of Ella rehearsing for her Suzuki violin exam. She is such an exuberant and mischievous monkey that it was harder for her to learn to keep still while playing than it was for her to learn to play the pieces! :rolleyes: She has SUCH a hard time trying to keep herself from dancing to the music! :nowink: :laugh:

Playing Minuet 1, Minuet 2, and Minuet 3:

Playing Etude:

Playing Allegro and Perpetual Motion:

Ella you are amazing! I can see you practiced so very hard! I think your dancing is the best :yes:

Wonderful Ella, you have inspired Miss Sophia to learn the violin to. :yes:

Oh and it looks like there is a congratulations in order for you to Aangles Baby no 2 has arrived. what did you have??? Another little reader/math and musician to enter the brillkids ranks


My goodness, she is simply marvelous. What a doll! Such extraordinary talent, she makes it look effortless and natural.

::clapping:: Well done Ella!!! Very, very well done!!

Amazing, Ella!

I’d best not show these to Nikki or he’ll be pestering me for a violin again lol

Thank you, guys! I’m glad you enjoyed watching. :slight_smile: Ella was very encouraged by your comments as well. :smiley:

Yes, Kimba! Ella has a new baby sister - little Julia - and she is simply THRILLED to bits! lol We have taken a long break from our learning schedule (I had some medical issues during my pregnancy which have since resolved) and are now just picking things up again. We are all looking forward to starting our EL journey with the little one all over again! :yes:

She is absolutely amazing :slight_smile: I feel like I should have bought tickets to watch her play!
Congratulations on your new baby girl :slight_smile:
Glad you are over the complications and look forward to hearing about your early learning journey with Julia.

Thank you for sharing this update with us :slight_smile:

You are amazing Ella. My self and my son Shanthosh Sivam saw your video and enjoyed lot. We didn’t expect, you will play Violin amazingly in addition to that with dance performance. My son enjoyed lot and sang the notes of the video Ella played. Your level of achievement is always very high and superb. No words to say that.

Angel, Ella is a gifted child for you and you are a gifted mother to her. We were impressed the Ella’s 31st month piano video and got disturbed lot. You are the key source for us to start the piano journey. Now again we disturbed with Ella’s Violin performance.

We wish to see more performance from Ella and little angel Julia lol

As always an amazing performance to watch! Thanks Aangeles for sharing. Kudos to Ella. Congratulations on your new baby.

Dear Ella
YOU ARE ADORABLE , your violin playing ,dancing , presence , personalitiy , Bravo ELLA . I showed the videos to Christina and Matti and both were amazed . Tina said mama she is great . Thank you for the motivation Ella xx now both of them are determined to practice more so they can play as well as you xxx
love you


My 2 year old is just working on the Twinkle variations. We have watched lots of kids playing violin, but we like your because you like the music. This was so much fun to watch.

You are amazing Ella. So talented!

Congratulations to Ella’s mum.

Do you have any tips on teaching music?

That was cute!

So she’s in Book 2 already, I presume?