Video story > 12-Year-Old Genius Goes to Morehouse College!

This amazing African American student, 12-year-old Stephen Stafford, was primarily home-schooled by his mother. This mathematics and science prodigy was accepted to Morehouse College. He is currently in his second year and he is still excelling! Just think how many stories we’ve seen about the lack of academic performance of African American youth. This story is one we must all emulate.


Thanks for sharing.

I was curious why I never hear of these types coming out of public schools and only hear of younger college attendees or grads coming from homeschooling environments. I think there’s something to learn in that observation.

After viewing the video, I decided to look up some famous prodigies and having read about them, I don’t think this kid was any sort of prodigy. In fact, it just seems like his older school aged sister didn’t know that a little toddler couldn’t learn to read, write, or do math lol

Isn’t it interesting how those not informed about the limitations of kids just seem to produce advanced children in droves? Hmmmm.

Me thinks there might be some misconceptions in societal views on education, learning, and human potential. :ohmy:

Like you pointed out Ayesha Nicole, just look at how the black community has suffered and is continuing to suffer at the hands of a failed education system. I think this child’s story, along with many just like it, hold a key to a better future… for everyone.

Thank you! Very nice to see. I like how he said that playing school with his big sister was fun for him. :slight_smile:

I often wonder what in the world my son is going to do in kindergarten. Homeschooling seems like such hard work! Where I live there is a 50% graduation rate. :frowning: So, if we don’t move I always planned on homeschooling anyway. But, lately I think I will need to no matter where we live. I think it would be really wonderful if I could handle it!

Yes, it is quite amazing. And I copied and pasted the text from a facebook posting.

And PokerDad’s comments reminds me of this excellent article I read on January 2nd, 2012, and it prompted to locate my copies of Alfi Kohn’s books, No Contest and Punished by Rewards in my reading stack and begin reading them:

Thanks for posting! Homeschooling makes so much sense. I am a huge homeschooling advocate.

This is my friend’s daughter. If I remember correctly, her parents used a hybrid homeschooling model. While she went to school during the day, her dedicated parents “homeschooled” her in a consistent and structured way during the evenings for years and years.

We are all very proud of her! She started Harvard at 15.

What a remarkable and well grounded young lady. Thanks for sharing. She grade skipped two years. One as a public school student and one as a private school student. To manage that twice at two different school she must have been pretty special!