Video of Cayden Reading at 20 months old

It took a couple months to catch this on camera since Cayden always want to be the cameraman.
Now that we know how to distract him from the camera I can not wait until he wakes up so I can catch more of his early learning progress.


(and you too Mommy :wink: )

Great stuff, love it!!!


Alright Mela! So nice of you to share this. Do you mind if I post this on my blog, cause I know you use MonkiSee among other things? Well done. What a little cutie he is.

Thank You all for your replies :slight_smile:

Krista of course you can post this on your blog :slight_smile:
MonkiSee MonkiDo was the first Early Learning tool I used with Cayden and to this day still on of his favorites.
We are overseas right now but when we return I will record him reading the MonkiSee books we have.

Thank you, Mela! That is really exciting and made my day! He is reading very well. I can only imagine how intrigued and excited your are about his accomplishments. Teaching babies to read is the coolest thing ever! At least that is what I think. :smiley:

Great video, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile: