Video of 15-month old Robert Reading Notes on LM

We are at lesson 24 of Little Musician and is already seeing great progress! Yesterday, I “tested” my 1-year old and found out he can sight-read music notes. His sister can easily identify a bunch of chords and most notes by ear. We’re just happily surprised of how fast results are seen. I didn’t expect they’re taking it seriously because they move around the room, play games, laugh, sings along, and are never still while LM is playing :smiley:

It’s really amazing to see a 1-year old read music notes. Congratulations to Robert! A few months before, my LO took Lego bricks and started arranging in a different pattern. I was wondering what he was doing, later he started to sing the solfege according to the colors in lego bricks. The rainbow color patterns for music notes is truly brilliant for young children.

Congratulations! It looks unbelievable! Keep it up, you are doing great!

Wow. He is so cute! And he so obviously loves his music :biggrin:

We are at lesson 24, too! I watched your video and decided to try testing my 3 y/o :wub: Not a stellar response - I should have known; he always seems to react the same, with a look that clearly tells me he is NOT a performing monkey! lol

He sings along with the lessons and the solfege nursery rhymes, but I don’t know how much is simply repeating what he hears. He does sing in tune, mostly - an improvement on the monotone-shout of a lot of toddler ‘singing’ :smiley:

No matter - he loves it and that is the most important thing!

Thank you arvi, newage, and MummyRoo :slight_smile: It’s nice to hear about your LO’s. On his colored abacus, he labels the yellow “Mi”, the blue “So” though he knows the color names. He thinks solfege is fabulous :smiley: On LM’s interactive piano he touches not one, but the three (lower, middle, high octave) notes when I told him to find a note. LM is really intuitive!

So Cute :slight_smile:

I Love it! He is amazing, and adorable as well :slight_smile:
Maybe your hubby can design a way of attaching a piano keyboard to his highchair in place of a tray! lol

Wow! He is better than me! I got 4 wrong! lol I love the enthusiasm he has for it. Very cool!

Wow! Great job, Mom! I’m also impressed that your 15-month old is speaking so well. :slight_smile:

Wow! After watching your son’s video, I now want to buy Little Musician :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone! Ah yes little Robert is quite fond of talking early on! He’s a stickler for phonics, practicing to himself over and over the letter sounds, blends, and digraphs. He would face me and show me magnetic letters and pronounce/shout them as if he’s the teacher and I’m a student who is hard of hearing. LOL

So precious!!! :slight_smile: