Vid: Success! My baby reading & "signing"

Cammie has begun to read at 9-months, it started with just a few words. Now, she’s reading a couple of dozen words. In the first video, she obediently did the actions the words represented but when it came to do the action for “kiss”, she just continued to “spin”. She doesn’t want to kiss anybody else these days except for her mommy :slight_smile:

In the second video, Cammie pretty much did every single flashcard. She “signed” (American Sign Language) some of the words like “dog”, “thank you”, “ball”, and “hat”. ASL sure is handy! She wouldn’t be able to express herself in such a specific way if not for ASL.

Aww, she is so cute and so smart! Good job! I love her spinning around. She signs very well too. That’s how I knew my son could read, by him signing or doing what the card said. He was a late talker, but he was able to sign a lot.

That’s awesome!!! Well done!!!

She’s come a long way since her 9-month video!
(for those who haven’t seen it:!/ )

Do keep sharing the vids as she progresses!

Yes, ASL rocks! My DD is not so much into speaking yet but can speak a few words. She is more into actions - signing, walking, climbing, etc

What’s interesting is that some of the words in the video are newly printed and shown to her only once (thank you, bye-bye). I showed them to her the night before and “tested” the next morning and she remembered them :slight_smile:

She knows at least 20 more words (train, balloon, window, closet, etc) but can’t sign or speak them yet so I didn’t include them in the test. She can, however, pick the right word from a group of other words.

Nadia, Cammie is awesome! I think she is ahead of her peers in most things…Congratulations! You must be so proud!! :smiley:

Congratulations!!! Good luck & keep it up…

When did u start to show him flashcards and little reader?


Yuo should take a look at Nadia’s blog…it’s very impressive. I like the shiny large flags cards she uses.

Thank you for the encouraging words! We started infant stimulation cards at a couple of weeks old. Real words flashcards at 2mos (though we have no sched for that) and little reader at about 3-months. We started early but only because she likes so much and we kept her lessons to a minimum in the early months.

nhockaday, KL, Nicole, many thanks for the kind words! We have found a wonderful family here in Brillkids. :smiley:

Your baby is sooo smart! At what age did you start signing with her?


Astounding!!! It is great that you taught her ASL so she can communicate her knowledge. She is brilliant. You are doing an incredible job teaching her. She is so incredibly far ahead of her peers. I started late with my daughter ( at 23 months). Seeing your daughter makes me regret not starting earlier. Truely inspirational. Okay I gotta go now because I’m feeling motivated to implement some of my imagined teaching plans.


Questers, akalori, thank you for the heart-warming words! It’s wonderful that we can inspire and in turn be inspired by all of us here.

We started teaching ASL at around 4 months. We just let her watch Baby Signing Time, it’s her fave! We reinforce what she watched by incorporating sign lang into our everyday activities.