Very hard to make my 10 month old kid to focus on LR and LM

My 10 month old kid is very active and it is really very hard to make him sit throughout the LR session. He is interested onlyy in pictures. So, I am not ab;e to e consistent with the lessons. I wonder should i give up??? Plz anybody successful with the program suggest me how to go about it

I’m sure you will get some great responses from more experienced people, but I wouldn’t give up. Do you show your baby non educational television programs like cartoons? If so, sometimes that can make kids not want to watch “slower” programs that are educational. Maybe eliminate noneducational programming.
In addition, sometimes it seems that babies aren’t learning because they don’t look like they are concentrating like an adult would, but they actually are taking in the information.
Try to make doing Little Reader exciting and fun. Get your baby excited about sitting in front of the computer. Also, you can always cut the lessons short and pick up he next session where you left off. It’s better to stop before your baby is ready to stop. Keep him wanting more lessons. I believe you can adjust the settings to make the slides flash quicker, and you can customize it to flash only the sections your baby is currently interested in.
Even if it’s inconsistent, I believe it’s better than not showing it at all.
As for LMu, maybe you could try to just show the lessons your baby finds interesting for now…Maybe chord recognition, solfege, and the clap along section?
Good luck, and don’t give up :slight_smile:

Thank you for your suggestion and motivation. I will try customizing the lessons. As I was inconistent with the lessons, should I start all over again???

It’s difficult to say if you should start over. Was your baby watching any of the lessons? I wouldn’t think you need to start over, but honestly that will depend on your situation. If it’s been awhile since you’ve shown any lessons, it might be a good idea to start over. If he gets bored with the lessons you’ve already done, you may need to move through the lessons more quickly and get back to where you were in order to keep your baby interested. Let your baby guide you.

I am going through a similar situation with my almost-8-month old. She is very active! We started showing LR and LM when she was about 4 months old, only one session a day. It isn’t that she dislikes them, she just doesn’t like to be still. Some people might suggest stopping for a while and coming back to it when your LO shows interest. I don’t think that would work for us, simply because she is going to get even busier! And soon! And I doubt she will slow down until it is too late to interest her.

I just look at it like I look at other things we do with her. She doesn’t like to be still long enough for me to get clothes on her. We do it anyway. She doesn’t like me to wipe her nose when she has a cold. We do it anyway. That doesn’t mean I try to leave it an unpleasant experience for her. She watches me wipe my nose making silly noises, etc. Then we gently show her that she can do it too. She doesn’t like to sit in her highchair and eat. We do it anyway. She honestly would go without eating anything (except nursing) until she dropped from lack of nutrition. There just are lots of things babies, especially busy babies don’t enjoy. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do them. Nor does it mean it has to be a miserable experience for them!! Since I know from experience of 14 years teaching at a regular school and now seeing my oldest daughter’s EL experience, and also many other kids from this forum; EL works! And it is so much easier on the child, especially the busy ones. We are going to do EL, I just have to find ways of making it fun for her.

Now, here are some things that seem to be working at the present moment with my busy lady: she loves to have me pick her up and fly her like an airplane with her laying on my arm. So I fly her up and down by the computer screen while it is playing. No, she doesn’t see it all, but she is laughing and looking at the screen each time she rushes up to it. Some people can hook their computer to the TV screen so it is bigger and easier to “fly by”! We do flash cards of body parts while changing clothes and tickle each named body part as she sees the card. I “sing” the phonics lessons to her while pointing at the words, or zooming her up to the screen. She also likes the faster flashing, so we click through things quickly. We look at flash cards while she is crawling around. I have gotten pretty good at flipping quickly through them while chasing her around the room on my hands and knees so they are at her level. She will get more out of them because she is doing what she loves–moving, while she sees the cards and while she does LR & LM.

I would encourage you not to quit! This is a wonderful fun journey we are on! Your bump in the road just now happens to be finding a way to make it fun for your LO! You can do it! You know what your child needs better than anyone else!

I may have a useful suggestion. I’ve had to invent quite a few strategies to keep my 16 month old engaged, one of these is movement: basically I hold her in my arms in front of the computer, standing so that I can move more freely, that I bounce at every word, or move her closer to the screen or raise her up. This keeps her giggling and looking at the screen most of the time. Hope it helps

Thank you all for your suggestions. Started showing the lessons holding him while standing, and there is some improvement. But he is not interested in phonics and sight words, rather very much interested in multisensory. During the entire session, he loves to grab the laptop and beating the keyboard.

We just finished the free trial (10 months old), and while my daughter loved the classical music in LM, she didn’t seem that interested. My husband and I figured we’d just buy LM and not worry about LR. Even though she didn’t seem that interested in LR, or that she got bored part way through, I started to notice her vocabulary expanding. By the end of the free trial (10 lessons) she would clap along and wave when prompted, as well as recognize toy animals (like her duck in the bathtub).

It may not sound like much, but kids learn language by exposure, so even if it seems they aren’t paying attention they will eventually absorb the material. That being said, starting over can’t hurt their chances because you’ll just be exposing them more to the basics and reinforcing their learning. Best of luck!


A late post but my little boy had trouble focusing on LR too ( we began around 14 months I think) because he was a super active little thing. I just persisted through it, making it a routine, at the same time every evening, and never forcing the issue too much (so creating an aversion). Sometimes we’d only get through a couple of minutes before he lost interest. At one stage I would play it on the television (big screen) and bounce him around, doing lots of exaggerated actions etc to keep his interest up. That helped a little. Eventually he started to enjoy it. By 18 months (possibly earlier) he would sit through it with focus and patience every night and by 21 months he started speaking some of the words he was exposed to through it (he was a slower with spoken language than some of the kids on this forum). And my husband become a convert - he’d always thought it was a waste of money lol! I think the routine was the key for us. Good luck.