Very Happy to be Joining


I recently discovered this forum and have been very impressed with the files that members have uploaded and shared - thank you all!

I have a 13 month old little girl, who is already talking up a storm and running at a pace I’m not sure I can keep up with. I am also pregnant with our second child who will be due in April 2010. I am a big believer in Glenn Doman’s teaching methods and have been teaching my daughter reading with flash cards and have many many bit of intelligence cards with facts that she was really enjoying until running became a higher priority. I have the Math program but have not yet started it - yes, I should get moving on that one soon!

I am currently in the search for a software or DVD program to use for teaching Reading and Math as I’m not sure I can keep up this pace of manual flash cards with 2 kids at different levels. Ideally I am looking for something that I can show to a 3 month old and a 21 month old at the same time and they can both enjoy it and learn from it. I have seen a number of posts about ‘Your Baby Can Read’ and ‘Little Reader’ and have been unsure about which one would be more effective. Any advice in this regard would be welcome.

One more request to the group - I live in the Chicago Western Suburbs and I would love to find a Mom’s Group to join with people who are into educating their children. I currently attend a neighborhood Mom’s Group and they all think I’m a little crazy to be teaching my daughter to read before she enters school - so I would love to have some Mom’s who share my value of early education to get together with. Send me a message if you are interested.

It is so nice to be here. I look forward to getting to know you all.

Hi laughingwater!
Welcome! If your looking that those products if possible I would suggest getting both, if money allows. I mean you can do some much on LR and adjust the level according to which child your working with. But YBCR is also good because it would be a good educational tool to use with your oldest during transition with the new baby. It gives you a free hand and a few minutes to nurse, get supper going or fold laundry. I know as a single mom I always needed something to keep my son occupied while I got a few things done, and YBCR bought me a good 20-40mins, where I didn’t feel as guilty parking him infront of the tv. Of course we did watch it together sometimes too :slight_smile:
Best of Luck!!!

Welcome, Laughingwater!

I won’t say much about LR since I’m obviously biased, except to just point you in the info pages on our site (you might want to look at the Advantages/Disadvantages section in particular).

YBCR is a wonderful product which I would recommend, and ike Waterdreamer mentioned, best would be to get both.


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

If money was not a constraint, I agree, get it all. It is nice to have a variety of tools to pick from when your child gets bored or uninterested in one program.

If money was a constraint… Little Math would be my # 1 priority. I love it and it has made the BIGGEST difference in my child’s math learning/teaching.

Hello and Welcome!! We are thrilled to have you join this wonderful community! :slight_smile: