very bright red cheeks and very dry

My 2 yo has had persistent very bright red, very dry, rough like cheeks, runny nose and cough for the last few days now and the shade of red is changing in colour from red to bright red. it has been like this the last 2 times when she became sick. She was never really like this before when she would get sick as a baby. It is winter now (I think) and really not that cold here. My husband is sick too, he may have been first.

I asked the doctor and he said that it’s because she is wiping her hand across her face when her nose is running causing them to become red and dry and she is only coughing because the mucus is going down her throat causing her to cough and not to do anything because she is “healing”. Then shouldn’t she always have had this reaction in the past when sick?

My LO last got sick late September and lasted to mid-late October and now is sick again. She goes to daycare but I never see any of the kids sick like her that persists for more than a week, nor with bright red scaly feeling cheeks, in fact, she seems to be the only one going that gets sick!.

Could it be something else causing it or I really just don’t have much faith in doctors? Thanks in advance


I would suggest homeopatics for symptoms.

And it definitely looks like you would need to work on building her immunity.

I can share what works good for us (my kids non vaccinated, were breast-fed # 1 till 11 months, #2 still BF at 1.5 yo), we travel a lot ( across the world) and kids are not in super-protected environment, we let them play, interact, even though of course we are strict with cleanliness. Thus it was very important for us to build their immune system. As of now, they have not ever got anything more then a light cold, which they were over with very fast.

We are not allowing any processed food, colorings or sugar in their diet. They eat lots of fruit, vegetables, raw kefir or yougurt, some organic meat, whole grains, the only oil we cook with for them is coconut oil, but we use olive oil or sunflower seed unrefind ones in salads. We supplement wit natural vitamin C ( acerola powder), vitamin D ( when they are not getting enough sun, Omega 3s (either fish oil or omega-licious), molasses for extra iron, pro-biotics, kelp. GSE ( grapefruit seed extract) is added to their drink, especially when we travel, – it kills viruses and bacteria naturally.

These are just some of the things we do, that worked for us, hope it helps…

Oh, another thing, if perchance she received any vaccinations before, it is very possible that her body is just straggling with toxins from those, going to a good naturopath may help you to get some natural herbal products to aid her body and to cleanse itself, like chlorella for example aids in ridding body of heavy metals ( which supress immunities), but it is very individual, so you would need to find a naturopath or OP to help you with good advise on that…

maybe she needs some lotion.?
mustela cold cream?

Thank you for your replies

She was last vaccinated at her 12 month check-up. I know it’s more detrimental to her health to be obsessive compulsive about cleanliness so I’m not OTT about a speck of dust or keeping her in a bubble like environment. She plays in dirt, gets all dirty but I’m very strict especially when handling/touching animals and such though. My daughter would get nothing more than a runny nose that would last only a couple of days but now it seems to have changed since getting sick in September.

She is on a special diet due to “unknown” food allergies. Allergy testing starts from 5 yrs of age in France. Doctor said absolutely no chocolate or sugar and very small amounts of certain foods. I have been cooking only fresh meat, fresh vegetables of frozen depending on the fresh availability, and only ever offer whole grain bread. She is eating everything that we eat except I have an allergy to coconut so we use only olive oil when cooking though of cause she eats all the other things I am allergic to.

I noticed that it seems to get worse not long after eating something, today her cheeks are light rosy pink, so I am thinking maybe it might be allergy related?. She was diagnosed with Atopy last month. The doctor doesn’t seem to think it’s all allergy related though.

I use Mustela facial cream and apply it frequently or when needed.