Verbs - do you use "-ing" on your cards?


I am new to this forum and new to Doman and teaching your baby to read. I’m making my flashcards and teaching “schedule” right now.

I had a question to all you “experts” out there ( :smiley: )–in what tense did you introduce your verbs? In reading Doman’s book, it seems like his examples of verbs are all ending in “-ing”. What do you all think about that? Do you recommend teaching some action words with “ing” and others without any endings? (ie: should I put “eat” or “eating” on my card)?

Thanks ahead of time for your help!

I have made cards for all tenses and variations - not for every verb, but my daughter has a large vocabulary now and she has verbs ending in “ed”, “ing” and any number of other variations. Because children this young often learn phonics intuitively I would think that introducing all types of verbs is important. Also with sight reading you would only ever be able to have “is …-ing” sentences in the end.

The “-ing” form of the verb is the simplest for starting phrases with as it fits easily with names “Mummy is cooking.” and I think this is why Doman suggests it. I did start with “-ing” verbs with my daughter, but have had to move on since then.

For your reference, the Little Reader curriculum also introduces -ing first towards the end of the 6 month curriculum, after showing the same action words through a couple of cycles before that.

i have the same question but for arabic language cuz the verbs are many and differs between female and male
تذهب يذهب she go .he go)the verb change not like english where only you can add she or he etc…and all books about little reader concentrate on english langauge its really important to me if some body who teach arabic and reach to verbs to share with me his or her method

Thank you for everyone’s replies thus far.

Tankit, did you make flashcards with “-ing” on it, then later make more cards without the “-ing” on it?

KL, to clarify, does LR first introduce action words without any ending then later add “-ing”?

Thanks, again!

Yes, I made flash cards wurg -ing and then ones without - while I haven’t done it for all verbs, I know there are flashcards for “cook,” “cooking” and “cooked” as one example because all of those words were used in a certain book I want her to know the words for. I have not taught her plural words as in “cooks” though as the s on the end comes up so frequently I guess she will pick it up on her own.

That’s correct. :slight_smile: