Ventura County Mom expecting my second, Hello again!

Hello, I am re-introducing myself because I have been off line for so long.

My son is going to be 3 in July and Im expecting my second son in August.

we have done the Doman reading program off and on since he was 18 mo. I have not been consistant and now Im so anxcious to get back to it and stick with it.

I can’t wait to teach our new little one from the start but I fear I will not have the disipline needed to stay consistant.

I would love to meet some other Mothers(or talk to) near Ventura County, CA, USA…just north of LA.

I am going to call the institute for the achievement of human potential tomorrow to ask for there advice on starting again with my 2 1/2 year old.

But I know me if I dont have consistant support I’m worried I will not be able to provide a quality program for my sons.

I would love to hear anyones advice.

Thanks for listening and I’m glad to back around like minded loving mothers,


welcome back :slight_smile:

Welcome back, T!

Hopefully, people here can help be a support for you.

I don’t think the possibility of not being consistent is any reason not to even start (or restart) the program. Anything is better than nothing if your lessons are joyful! Do it with a ‘no-pressure’ attitude and treat each session like bonding time, like how you would read bed time stories. What harm can there be even if you’re not consistent??

Welcome BAck