Veggie Mom- Should i give my baby chicken sauces from gerber?


I am vegeterian.
I would like to make my baby as non-veggie.
Should i start giving him chicken sauces from gerber from now itself or should i wait for some time?


TRY other brands, or make your own, Gerber does not have too good of a name as far as quality…

Which brand do you prefer?
I dont know much other than Gerber.

Please advise.


Why would u want to make ur baby a non-veggie? A diet comprised mostly of vegetables is the best diet in the world!!

Please watch Food Matters or Food Inc.

I wish I had known the first two years of my son’s life how harmful meat & diary produce is to your body. Also, if u insist on feeding a baby non-veggie diet…please buy organic , grass fed, cage-free, with no antibiotic shots.

I recently bought the Baby Magic Bullet. I love it. It makes me feel better knowing that whatever my som is eating is fresh and healthy. You can put any type of food in their system and in less than 1 min. it is ready to be eaten or stored for later use.