Vaccines - can anyone pls advice from personal expereinces

Well, after conducting research for several months after Ethan was born I went ahead and chose which vaccinations I felt comfortable giving:

Hep B: 1 shot (because they presuaded me to give in right after he was born)
DTAP: 2 shots (because of the concern of contracting whooping cough, airbourne virus)
PC: 1 shot (because it’s a very common germ and may cause severe reactions if baby caught it)

I’m planning on giving him one more shot on his 15 month visit, might be DTAP or PC.

He is 12 months old, only had 2 runny noses and 1 fever. Very healthy and bright boy.
I found Dr. Sear’s Vaccinations

book EXTREMELY helpful in making my decision. Here are some links that helped me:

Just build his immunity up naturally, so that if he does contract something, the body will be better equiped fighting it off.

Hope this helps!