i really shock! hurm… >:(

It makes me sick. They rushed making the vaccine with little testing b/c they wanted to get it out fast. Then they were actually asking for people to volunteer to have their children as test subjects, and now they are asking pregnant women to test it! I’m sorry, but I think people who are putting their children at risk by testing a shot that we know little about ARE DUMB.

Please do not rush out and get this vaccination when it becomes available! The last time they released a swine flu vaccine, it killed more people than the flu itself. And it caused all kinds of neurological problems. And now the companies who made it are immune from being sued becuase of problems their vaccines caused!

Pls get informed before allowing your little ones get any kind of vaccine ! any !!

pls read if interested - here it is a great video and statistics about Flu and H1N1



What is in the Regular Flu Shot?

Egg proteins, including avian contaminant viruses

Gelatin, known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin

Polysorbate 80 (Tween80â„¢), which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

Formaldehyde: a known carcinogen

Triton X100: a strong detergent

Sucrose (table sugar)

Resin, known to cause allergic reactions

Gentamycin, an antibiotic

Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose vials

Analysis of material by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by Dr. Russell Blaylock. (September 5, 2009)

Critical Observations:

Doctor visits for flu are down from the level in April

Total flu hospitalizations are similar or lower than for seasonal flu (yearly flu)

The number of death secondary to flu and pneumonia is unchanged from yearly rate

Only two states are reporting widespread infections – Georgia and Alaska. Other states report only regional or sporadic activity, meaning it’s not very contagious.

There is no evidence that the virus has mutated at all anywhere in the world

The virus remains susceptible to the drugs Tamiflu and Relenza.

Only 43,771 cases have been reported in the United States. Because of poor reporting the CDC estimates that true numbers indicate that one million have been infected. Many people did not get sick enough to go to a doctor. Likewise, not all people are tested who go to a doctor.

Of these 5,011 have been hospitalized and 302 have died.

Death Rates From the H1N1 Flu

If we use the 43,771 figure and 302 deaths that means the death rate is 0.6 percent, an extremely low death rate for any flu.

The percentage of hospitalized patients who died was 6 percent, again a very low incidence of death.

Since the CDC estimates that one million have been infected, we must recalculate death rates. Using this more accurate figure, the death rate is in truth 0.03 percent, which means 99.97percent will not die from this flu. Your chances of dying are incredibly low.

Will This Vaccine Be Tested?

According to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 5 tests are planned. It is not clear as to the use of the squalene adjuvants, ASO3 and MF-59.

Because of concerns raised, the FDA is now hedging. Independent studies of squalene used as a vaccine adjuvant indicates that it is associated with a very high incidence of autoimmune diseases, such as an MS-like neurological syndrome, rheumatoid joint disease and especially Lupus.

The developer of MF-59 is Chiron pharmaceuticals, which was purchased by Novartis pharmaceutical company, who will be the main supplier of the swine flu vaccine for the world. According to Dr. Fauci, testing in both children and adults will be without this adjuvant and he admits that we have no data on the safety in children.(See Nature Vol 460/30 July 2009, p 562 for the interview.)

There are 5 tests scheduled for safety before mass vaccinations will resume. I looked up on the actual studies being done. It is instructive to note that the only studies actually being done do not contain any adjuvant (the immune booster) either for babies or adults. Yet, when the mass vaccinations begin, the vaccines will have adjuvant added, possibly squalene.

The real irony here is that this is the same bait and switch game they played in the 1976 swine flu vaccine disaster.

They tested one vaccine and gave a different one during the mass vaccinations.

Here we go again. Over 500 people were paralyzed with Guillain Barre disorder. The incidence was much higher, because it was not a reportable disease. And over 300 people died, which is also a very low figure.

Dr. Fauci admits that they have no idea what will happen when they mix the three viruses from the vaccines together or when they are given sequentially. When he was asked if the results of the studies would be reviewed by the health authorities, he answered, “yes, except for those done by the Novartis company.”

He justified this secrecy by saying that Norvartis had a very advanced testing system, which was done “in-house” – that is, in secrecy.

It is also important to appreciate that this vaccine has been fast-tracked, meaning that many of the usual safety precautions used to prevent contamination of the vaccines will be overlooked by the regulatory agencies.

According to a number of studies, vaccine contamination is widespread, with vaccines containing pestivirus, mycoplasma, viral fragments, DNA fragments and bacterial components, all of which can produce chronic systemic disorders, cancer, neurologic diseases and even slow brain degeneration.

They’ve released the swine flue vaccine produced in Hungary in the country. First 600 000 shots are free (I wonder why :rolleyes: ),then they are planning to sell it in drugstores for 10 bucks a shot. It’s controversial among general physicians as it contains the whole virus albeit dead… so the vaccinating isn’t getting far.

Our pediatritians do not even mention the vaccine in their office, and not vaccinating their children…

Does anyone know if they are going to make these vaccinations mandatory?

Can your child go to school if they are not fully vaccinated with the childhood immunisations- does anyone know



Really making me in doubt that they push the vaccine too fast and have the babies to have the vaccine as a testing only… for me I will prefer to have my baby avoiding the crowd instead of having the injection at this stage. Thanks for the reminder.

Every state is different - I believe if I am not mistaken that this website has help and guides per state, pls review, email them or call them they have helped me before - they are very good.

Good Luck and pls protect your children - it is not the doctor responsibility it is our responsibility as parents.
read, listen to doctors, then read and make your own informed desicion !! but pls do not leave it to the doctor alone.

My husband has a co-worker whose best friend homeschool two magnificent boys (7 and 9 years old) they were so advanced that they decided to put them in one of the best private schools in their state - for that… they were told they needed to get all vaccines and sadly they thought the doctor knew what he was doing and they followed his advice - give many vaccines to the boys because they are safe now, the kids are old so there is no problem the doctor said. Well the two boys 7 and 9 years old developed autism right away and the parents are crushed !! they knew it - they were vigilant for so many years and now … severe autism for life, will the doctor be penalize? nope the goverment does not recognize autism or vacciness as related issues. Doctor is free and the family has been severely hurt, mainly because deep in their hearts they knew the vaccine was dangerous but they let the guard down. TRUE STORY - I wish I could get a testimony from them in a video or something but this is a recent event and they are too depress to care about anything else than their boys now, maybe in a couple of months or so… we will see…



In Norway the authorities has spread such a fear among the population that people are standing in long queues to get a shot. Public health authorities has recommended the vaccination to everyone .

Dear Gloria,

which vaccine u r talking about and when did this happen?