Vaccinations, childhood illnesses, while mum is pregnant

I wrote about vaccinations in prenatal…
But I have more to say now. I’m nearly 30 weeks pregnant, and Azaria has just recovered from Slapped cheek virus (parvovirus). Apparently had she been contagious/infectious 10 weeks or more ago I could have been at great risk of miscarriage, or the baby within contracting some horrible sounding disease and possibly dying. Unfortunately there is no vaccine against this.
A few weeks back she had hand foot and mouth disease, the coxsackie virus. And that could cause miscarriage to me in first trimester or so. Had I not been immune.
I dont know if I had immunity through my own childhood, but thankfully my son has definitely had these both years ago, so I will presume I’d have immunity from then, at the very least.
This is why it is a good idea to immunise where you can, and for covering things that cant be immunised, associate your youngsters with other kids as much as possible, so they catch these diseases and develop immunity. Because girls need to be immune to as much as possible to avoid catching diseases themselves in pregnancy. And boys dont want to grow up to want to infect pregnant women.
And before having number 4 baby my doctor told me I was not in need of a rubella vaccine. That I was covered for life. Now, having number 5, my midwife tells me I need to get a rubella shot at my first check up after this baby is born, as my level is down to 16, where in Australia 10 is the lowest level, and other countries it’s 15. But people higher than 15 are known to still catch rubella. I wont be risking that…

Thanks for the tips Nikita, it is nice to know the kind of things to prevent them. Good luck in your check up. and eat healthy…