Using Puppets

How many of you use puppets in teaching? :slight_smile: :clown:

I love using puppets to teach for the little ones. You can even allow the older children to perform for the younger and so on.

Would you consider using puppets if you could make them yourself?

I love puppets! I don’t use them with my children but we do use them in the MonkiSee DVDs and kids do love them. They are great for teaching and keeping things fun.

I use them and MY eldest thinks they are great!

What is your regular “way” of using the puppets? Do your children use them, or do you? What types of things do you do with them?

I’m asking because I’m always looking for ideas to spice things up a bit and, frankly, have never used puppets to teach.

I use them when I find Miss S is really really resistant to doing anything I ask of her. If I ask her to help clean up most of thetime which is met with a no Iget her fave Owl out and he asksher to help and amazingly she helps maybe because the puppet asked and for some reason its best to do what the owl says.

Puppet Power!!! Yay! How old is your child? My son is 3.5…wondering if it would still work for him or if he’d grab it off my hand. I suppose all it takes is trying… I’d like to snaz up my phonics program. I’m realizing that although he is reading, there are sounds I haven’t taught him and he is bored silly with it. (ie. The “A” says /ah/ like in water & talk, the “CH” says /k/ like in choir, etc.)

Miss S turned 3 in August. I did the right Brain Kids Tweedlewink course and she was using them on her son until he was 8 or 9. I don’t think puppets ever get old I still love the muppets if a repeat is ever shown on TV. Also another great way is to include favourite soft toys teach them as well as your son. My DD loves going to her ‘school’ with her fave stuffed animal.