Using LR for purposes other than to teach reading

I am wondering if any of you are using LR for teaching anything other than reading to your child. My child has benefited greatly from Early Learning opportunities - specifically YBCR products, LR, Monki See, etc. and is currently reading at a 2nd grade level. I haven’t used LR for well over a year now. HOWEVER, I understand that some of you are using LR for teaching other concepts/subjects.

It seems that my creative juices are not flowing easily…nevermind “mid brain activation”, I could benefit from ANY kind of brain activation lol What are you doing that is not necessarily whole word OR phonics focused? What subject areas are you using it for specifically to teach those themes? Fishing for ideas :slight_smile:

I use it for other topics.
Firstly there are a rediculous amount of files available in the share file section that have loads of basic facts. Download these and add encyclopaedic knowledge your self. You can just read up on the subject or record some facts to the files. This is the least work option :slight_smile:
I have used any and all of shenli’s files. Hers are quite advanced and beautiful! Thank you again Shenli!
So topics I have used
Rocks, flags, countries, landmarks, Roman numerals, periodic table, all the dinosaur files, dog breeds, bees, math facts, advanced shapes, bird types, Australian animals, reptiles, gymnastics moves, ( really need a taekwondo moves in Korean file made up! And a taekwondo patterns file too) earthmoving equipment, snakes, solar system, concelations, chess pieces, famous artists, advanced music.
I would love time to make taekwondo files, more country files with more information in them, some farming files, environmentally sound practices files, fish types, more Aussie snakes, more rocks, crystals and gems, times tables, technology, tools, ballet, some meditation files, positive affirmation files, more math facts, cronological Australian history, cooking terms, maps, Australian landmarks/states/ capitals, types of trees, flowers and vegetable seedling recognition. ( so they don’t think my veggies are weeds! lol ) actually a weed file could be useful too! lol
Would love anything you make :yes: I find with the older kids its a good idea to show each file a few times. Really fast first through for the right brain and then a couple of times slower with discussion for the left. I try to show a new file each time we do it for interest. I would like enough computers in the house to show something each day but it just isn’t happening at the moment. :blush:

I would second the reccommendation for Shenli’s files. Great place to start. Once I upgrade Little Reader I need to download more of those for use with my 5 year old. I find the hardest thing is finding files you like (and deleting ones you don’t) and then keeping them in some sort of order so that you know where to find everything quickly lol And also (in the old version at least) deleting files is so easy to do that my daughter with autism who loves playing with her favorite files accidently deletes whole files or slides and then we have to find them again - I’m sure not a problem for most people though.

You can also use it for foreign language! There are some good vocabulary files to choose from, or you can buy the official curriculum for Chinese if that suits your interest.

On top of downloading those excellent files from the library I also make ebooks explaining things. Eg everyday life, upcoming trips, previous trips (with our own photos and description of what happened). Or other knowledge such as how things work! I think little reader is so vasotile and can be used for quite a while!

The downoads have helped get my son interested in LR again. I just started playing the games and he loves it now. I tell him we have to do a LR lesson in order to get to the downloads and games. It works!