Using Little Reader with Little Math

Hi all,

I am considering investing in the LR and LM to start teaching my 11 month old. I have been flashing colours and numbers and she loves it so i feel she will like these.

I was wondering -

Do LR and LM work well together?

What is the time commitment required?(i.e how long is a lesson, how many lessons a day) - i work full time so hours a day would not work for me.

Anyone have experience with LR and LM together - what would your advice be to achieve best results?

Thanks for any advice/views you can provide.

I think twice a day is optimal and the whole thing takes only minutes a day. The key is to stop before they are ready to stop so they want more!

I know that this is very individual, but how long would you estimate to see some results? We’ve been flashing for a week and I haven’t noticed any sign of recognition even for the simplest words such as “mama”

We can’t stress this enough, which is why we added this article to the Little Reader Start Guide in v2.0.

Results will depend on many, many factors - your baby’s age, your baby’s growth and development, how much fun you make your lessons to be, how excited you are able to make your baby feel about her lessons, how well you execute the lessons, how consistent, along with a ton of other variables.

A week may be too little for some children, for others who are older and more cognitively ready, a consistent week is all they’ll need. Yet for some, a week is a wondrous time for very young children who show response to the words, others show more response to the pictures.

I’m going to re-post the small article here, just so that none of you miss seeing it:

Your frame of mind

One of the most important things you must remember when teaching your child to read is this:

Always keep the lessons FUN and JOYFUL!

In doing so, this also means:

• Do not focus on achieving results
• Do not force your child if she is not keen to view the lessons.

Focusing on results tends to bring about negative emotions such as anxiety and disappointment, which will be picked up by your child. Similarly, forcing your child is counter-productive and would lead her to associate reading with something negative.

Instead, treat lesson time as a time for bonding with your child. The aim is to expose your child to reading and to have fun while doing so, thereby giving her a joyful and loving experience. Keeping a bonding-focused mindset will make you a much more effective teacher, and you are also likely to find that your child learning to read is a very pleasant side-effect.

Remember, this is not a race!

Any exposure to reading that you give to your child during the early years will already be very beneficial.

So just RELAX, and HAVE FUN!


Im just wondering if someone would suggest using LR an LM wiith a 3 month old… or should I start with one and then add in the second…Im also wondering if at three months will her concentration be very long. Im showing her infant stimulation cards and she doesnt last with them longer than 2 minutes… by three months do does much normally change?
Also, Im assuming that I wont see much results for a while because she is so young right?

I would, hopefully, like to hear about someone or from someone who had started as young as I hope to…

thanks- Brittany

I wouldn’t start any earlier than 3 months, and personally, I would probably start around 5 or 6 months if I were to do it again. But you can try earlier. Certainly, many parents do. If it doens’t work well, then shelve it for a month or two and try again. Every child is different so it’s really difficult to say.