Using Little Reader/Little Math with autistic child

Dear parents,

I am curious if any of you have an experience of using LR/LM or other early learning methods with autistic child or child with hyperactivity.

I have a friend who would like to hear suggestions and experiences. Her daughter is almost two, very active and her attention span is almost inexistent. She does not speak, sometimes she would say some made up words, but nothing very clear. She is not interested in playing with toys or reading books, everything keep her attention for just a moment. Parents are pretty concerned.

They suspect that the problem was a reaction to vaccinations, but not sure.

In either case, I was wondering if having fast moving short LR lessons might be of a help in a speech comprehension and development. Any personal testimonies, opinions? Also differently from many otter programs LR encourages a lot of interaction, and personal involvement, so that might be a key too. What ya all think?

Thank you!

I think it helps children with autism a lot. My son has nearly lost his diagnosis, and is reading at nearly a 2nd grade level and he hasnt even started grade one yet and I thank LR and other media based Early learning programs.

Waterdreamer, that is REALLY encouraging! Congratulations to you and I am truly amazed, what a wonderful testimony.

Please keep in mind though that this is not the only thing we have done. We have been in ABA therapy, speech therapy, Occupational therapy, etc for over 3 year. But I believe keeping the right brain open with LR and other Doman/Tweedlewink programs help balance all the left brain therapies we do with him as well. He has some the highest positive therapy results out of all the children in ABA. We also have him on homotoxology remedies and a special diet too.
Your friend should read “What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child” by Glenn Doman. I have finally sat down a read it and my eyes have been so opened!

Yes, thank you for all the suggestions. My friend does not speak English and in the country where therapies are simply non existent :frowning: So if you would ever have a chance to give me some links to the resources ( special diet you have mentioned, homotoxology remedies, etc), I would translate and summarize it for her… Also, when did you noticed that he had signs of autism? Thank you, waterdreamer!

What language does she speak, maybe the book has been translated into that language.
ABA and the Homotoxology are very hard to do without trained specialist helping.
I’ve heard good things about this sight, however I have not needed to order anything because we have a local ABA program.
This forum is very helpful in regards to cutting out all gluten and dairy. We also limit soy. And some family eliminate corn, sugar, and eggs as well.
If there is a natural doctor of some kind out there, perhaps they can help her too.
My son takes Wobenzym N to help with digestion, but this is something she would need to see a doctor about.
I hope this helps :slight_smile:

She is Russian, and yes, I will give her tips and ideas to search for. And will do some research for her as well. Just having this information you gave is an excellent start! I am personally so excited about your son’s progress!

Thank you we are so proud of him! He is my little miracle.
Contact NadiaD. She is fluent in Russian an there is a DVD program in Russian that is like YBCR and Signing time mix together to teach reading in Russian. I don’t have the weboage is it is in Russian and I don’t know how to read it.