Urgent advice please.............

Hi Everyone,

My kid is 5 months old. When someone coughs, shouts, listen to any louder sounds begins to cry sometimes. Even when she is sleeping, she awakes listening to those sounds. When we make the sound all of a sudden, she will be frightened for the first time. Again if we continue to do same sounds again, she’ll be happy and keep smiling. Doctor said it is normal for some kids. Is there anything I could make my child not to be frightened in anything again? I would be really glad, if anyone could help me. Thanks in advance.

Being frightened at a sharp sound is one of the normal vital responses that every child develops - it is for their own safety so that if they are in danger they will alert you. Normally as a child matures she will become more familiar with sounds and not react to each of them by startling.

In order to help her sleep better I would try putting a humidifier, fan, or white noise machine in her room while she sleeps. This creates a background noise that may muffle some of the household noises. Also, while she is awake be sure to point out noises that occur. When someone coughs, stop and say “Did you hear that? That is the sound of a cough.” Do that with every noise so that when she hears a noise she is able to identify it. That may help her not startle.

I have also found that if my house is totally quite when I put my daughter to sleep and then we do something noisy she will wake up, but if the house is noisy when I put her to sleep then she can sleep through most noises. So, for naps during the day I usually have music playing in another room or some background noise going on while she falls asleep, then she sleeps better irrespective of how much noise we make during her nap time.

That’s good advice. Just remember that she will grow out of it.

Dear Creative,

One of my daughter’s is more sensitive to sound than her sister - and she is growing out of it. I just always make sure to describe what the noise is and show her if possible. The more familiar she is with the noise and it’s source, the more adjusted she becomes each time she hears it.

So, I hope that helps.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for the advice. I will try to let her know the noises that occur in the surroundings. Hope she grows out of it.

You can try mimicking the sound and make her laugh and tell what sound that is. Eventually, she will get used to it.