Update on our reading progress.

hi there.

i havent been on this site for a while. just an update (and a bit of bragging) about Sa’ads progress. at 2 years he mastered phonics and he now reads books. he is now 2 and a half. it has finally dawned on him that he can read and if i ask him to read a sentence, he gets it right most of the time. if its a word that is abit complex, he usually says something that sounds like the word.

its a great feeling knowing that all those days of making flash cards, powerpoint slides and then little reader paid off. when we got on to a plane he read the
“no smoking. fasten your seat belt” sign aloud which surprised some of the passengers around us.

we definitely did not teach him the word smoking lol

anyhow its all been a great learning experience for him and me and the people around us. his cousins find him amusing when we go to visit them (they live 4 hours away).

take care and keep up the hard work. it does pay off.

Thanks for the update. It sounds like he is doing great.

Wow Fatima, thats wonderful!

What age was he when you started with the flash cards and power point?

My daughter is 21 months and she loves phonics but she only just began learning letter and their sounds. Can you please give me advice on how to teach phonics?

Thanks so much!

i found the doman books by chance when my baby was 1 month old. of course my husband told me to buy something for myself and naturally i had to go to the book shop and spend on baby stuff.

i started the baby program on him soon after.

i made flash cards and then figured out that i could use powerpoint slides. at that time Little Reader wasnt around or it was just starting up. then i found brillkids and bought the software. i think i have brillkids for almost a year now.

Phonetics wasnt something i taught seperately. in fact all i used were words. little reader also has this phonics program built into the curriculum but i think Sa’ad sort of figured out the sounds of the symbols. i dont know how honestly. i think that when you teach reading by flashing, its a natural side effect that they pick up on phonics. starfall was also a great help for phonics. its a wonderful website. www.starfall.com

nhockaday, there is this shop that sells hygrometers and barometers and when we go to the mall we have to stop and look. everyone knows that Sa’ad is into measuring equipment now. he wants a scale so thats an incentive for potty training. im also going to put up six clocks on his room wall with the different timezones (hopefully that will get him out of my bed) i think the weather measurements file had everything to do with it. he goes up to anyone with a watch and asks for the time!

now, im more relaxed coz all the hard work is over. now Sa’ad appreciates stories and he gets the storyline. all worth it in the end

That’s so funny! Maybe he’ll be a weatherman when he gets older! I actually think I am going to redo the pronunciations for that file. I have never been happy with them.