Linky, Thank you for your videos!!! They are really very good to explain what you have done with your child!!!
I have seen how your child learnt the phonemes before the sounds of the letters. That was one of my first doubts taking into account the alphabet. When you began to teach the letters and you taught her their sounds, was it not difficult for her? In LR, she loves a video where the letters of the alphabet appear and disappear in the ground of a beautiful garden. I don´t know if it is good to use it at the same time that she is doing starfall and jollyphonics, because I thought that it was better the teaching of the sounds if I want Nuria learns to read.
Another question. I am interested in learning more about phonetics.I have seen that there are many parents whose children have learnt only with LR, LR is fantastic!! However, I would like to know how children learn to read English. I studied phonetics and phonology at university, but nobody showed me how to read taking into account the sounds. It is something interesting for me. I am learning now. Did you use only the free material of Backpack Bear, or did you buy the programme? In the video you are working a very interesting section, that I have never seen before in the free section.I am considering the option of homeschool… with 35 dollars, essential material… I think that it was.
Well, with respect to what I am doing in order to raise a possible bilingual child, is: speaking English as much as possible; sometimes it is difficult because being a non-native parent who doesn´t use the English language except on the web…I have an advanced level, of course, it was essential in my job, Sometimes I have doubts with respect to expressions for babies. But every day is much better. It is not the same speaking to adults for three or four hours a day, than speaking to your baby all day… I am using all kinds of resources:videos, skype, flashcards, tw, ybcr, LR, starfall… I have useful sentences that I learn here and there. For instance, something that I use a lot now is what you say when babies cannot touch something on the floor.Yucky, don´t touch that, There is a wonderful person here how has shared this sentence.
Your videos are very good, and the videos of the rest of parents. They help me!! Now, that I can see that my baby is able to speak in the English language, it is high time that I work with my baby´s reading, I will do it now with consistency. It is an amazing experience for me. If I can do it, perhaps, in the future I will do it with another language.