Update on 21-month-old's progress in English, Chinese, and Spanish

Ella has been sight reading for some time now (since she was 9-10 months old) and we introduced her to phonics at around 15-16 months using LR and, later on, Your Child Can Read. She is only on volume 2 of YCCR (which is really really fantastic and well-done, by the way) but last week, she picked up a new Peter and Jane book that she has not read before, opened it randomly to a page in the middle of the book, and read aloud, “Here is a ball in a shop. Jane likes the ball.” !!! On a recent trip out of state, she would read out random signs that she’d see – for example, she read out “Jeep!” written on the spare tire cover of a jeep parked in front of us and she read out “The Café,” which was the name of the coffee shop in our hotel lobby! In the video, she also counts from 1 to 10 in Spanish, which I think she learned from Whistlefritz. She has also learned parts of the body, animals, and some verbs in Spanish.

She has also made marvelous progress in Chinese. Recently one morning, she woke up much earlier than usual and was jumping up and down on our bed. So in an attempt to get her to quiet down, I handed her a Chinese reader that I had on my nightstand for several months now. I had been meaning to teach her to read from it, but, because of time constraints, I could only do Chinese in LR with her and had not been able to read books in Chinese. Imagine my surprise when she started to read aloud the short sentences in Chinese to herself! The book has eight pages with one short sentence each (兔子快跑, 小鹿快跑, 猴子快跑, 森林著火了! etc…) and she read it from cover to cover! You can imagine how quickly I bolted from the bed to grab the camera. But I was still too late to catch it on video. I was so excited I didn’t get any more sleep after that! I guess we’ll be doing much more Chinese reading after this! :biggrin:

Great update!! She’s adorable. That’s so awesome she’s reading random signs, read out of a book she hasn’t seen before, and showing you she knows Chinese! It’s also great to see you love the YCCR dvds - I’ve been refraining because they’re so expensive. Thanks for the update!!

She is so cute. Thanks for the update.

Yes, we are loving YCCR! It’s creative, fun, effective and has entertaining upbeat songs that doesn’t grate on my nerves even after listening for the umpteenth time. It’s like an updated version of Electric Company but geared towards younger children. Does anyone even remember Electric Company back in the 70’s or is my age showing here? Anyways, if I had one tiny complaint, it would be that volume 5 is really just a repeat of various segments from the earlier discs with a small amount of new material thrown in, which for me is disappointing because if I wanted to review the earlier lessons for my daughter, then I would just replay the other discs! Aside from that one small disappointment, I think YCCR is even more well-done than YBCR. My daughter has figured out phonics after watching the first 2-3 volumes. Highly recommended!

where can you purchase YCCR? Is there a website available?

I love her counting in spanish…very clearly!!! So adorable!Thank you for the update. Keep up the great job mommy.

WOW I watch this video this afternoon. She is so cute! I agree with everyone else, great job!

I think it is good to have a review DVD. It is much easier than showing whole DVDS over and over. That’s the way YBCR was. YCCR can be purchased through YCCR, but I don’t know what the site is b/c the link I have is not working.

I ordered YCCR from the Baby Can Read website (www.yourbabycan.com) but, for some reason, the link is not working right now. :confused: I’ll check my email to see if they had sent me an order confirmation email with a working link to the website.

Thanks for the compliments, everybody! :smiley:

Here is the link to the website where I ordered YCCR:


It’s up and working now. :slight_smile: