Update of my 18 toddler

I would like to share here Nuria´s update. I am really very proud, although I know that it is only the beginning of a long journey.

I decided to do it, especially after reading an article on the web about the "Normal language development´and a post of another mummy who was also worried about the few words that her child, supposedly knew. She realized that her daughter or son, I don´t remember, was having a good language learning development. I have read different articles since then, in Spanish and English, and according to pedetricians?? when a toddler turns up 18 months s/he has to be able to say between six and ten words, nothing more. The point is that I was very worried because I compared both languages, the two languages that my LO is acquiring. I have copied this text from I copied first. Sorry, if I repeat some things.

Here, I leave a link about language development in toddlers. After making sure that my LO is producing much more English words that Spanish words, I glanced on the web. I have found some interesting articles such as http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/average-words-18-month-olds-vocabulary-3969.html.
September 16, 2013 at 5:32 pm #632


“”"At her requisite doctor’s appointment, I was asked all kinds of questions to gage her development including whether she can say ten or more words at this point.”"”

Here a mum is very proud because her LO is not a late talker? I was a little worried about it as well. After reading the article, I can state that if my LO is able to say at least ten word in my mother language, then she is supposed to be a normal LO. My LO is talkative, but she spends much time babbling ha ha…
I am going to try to summarize what my LO is able to say right now in both languages, English and Spanish, an update of my LO, today 16th September 2013

English language
No, clap, car, yes, doll, horse, dog, cat, baby, some sounds of animals, popo, people, sad, happy, listen, daddy, mum, tiger (tiaaag), ball, eat (she says the word and use the sign), apple (strange case; she began to say it very clear at the age of 10 months now she says it worse…,car, toes, head, eyes, shoes (tendency to say two different pronunciations, the right one and her own´s /sïs/, socks (she always says cocks” ha ha),book (she uses the o sound). I am surprised!!! Besides, she identifies a large number of sounds of the letters. She loves Letter factory and Jolly phonics, the word more, this word was one of her first ones, she loves eating, ha ha…, hi,… Have to feel very proud…
She adores the word bicycle, she learnt in our last holidays. She repeats and repeats when she sees a bike.

Last Sunday she said ship, while we were walking on the sand. The thing is she has these words in her passive vocabulary, and suddenly she says them. Yesterday with Dora, the explorer, she saw the map and said map, map, the sound p not very clear, but repeated it over and over again.

Funny moments. lol :laugh: :biggrin: :clown: :smiley:

In the reception of the apparthotel, she said four or five times OK, The receptionist was looking and looking and she couldn´t find the person who was saying it so clear, ha ha ha… She was very short to be seen. Ha HA

On Sunday, when I was with my mum at hospital, Nuria began to look the shopping bags that my hubby had brought. Suddenly, she found two cakes. She loves cakes. We trie to avoid them because of sugar. She takes, a cake in each hand and screams, and cry, CAKE, CAKE…

Spanish language

Nothing to do with the previous imcomplete list
She says:mamá, papá, sí, no, caca, jesús (when someone sneezes; it is very funny), más, agua, With this list I am in similar circumstances with the blogger that wrote the article. queque (cake)
I have not spoken to my pedestrian about my case. I mean, I haven´t said to her that my LO is able to speak so many words, but very few words in my mother language. I am not sure that she is able to understands me. On the other hand, she is aware of the fact that I am talking to my LO in the English language. She heard Nuria saying to her bye bye. When Nuria wants that I leave a place, she often uses Bye bye. People think that it is very funny, but my LO is being a little unpolite… She hates doctors… Ha ha… She uses bye bye in order to go to another place more interesting for her since she was perhaps 12 or 13 months.