Update - Loosing interest?

Hello dear friends!

My son is now 21 months. When I discovered this forum he was 15 months and I started using LR by the same time.
Since then I started LM and LMS too.

Those who talk to me know that my time is limited. My son have classes all day and me and my wife also work all-day.
But I was doing fine with my daily EL scheduling.

My son now recognize some words. And he loves to point to words for me to read, and he also pretend to be reading, a lot. He is also very interested about letters. He jumps on a letter on his mat for me to say the letter’s name.

But, for BK products… he is loosing interest. For LM he has no patience at all. I tried to change the icons, but they get so small that it does not make much difference. And the problem is sum. I don’t know if it is because that part is long, but he has no patience. He has been very active this month, but also he has been under some colds, which may have affected his mood. So, I can in a day do only a session of LR OR LMS, but not both and LM he can’t stand.

He is interested in drawing with crayons, and we have been drawing a lot. I also write words with crayons, but of course that is not even close to LR quantity and methodology. Yesterday I started using some real flash cards, which he liked.

So, for BK products, what can I do? Can someone give me an advice. Is it common to go through these stages? Or is it because he is getting “old” now? I want to keep using them!


Thank you for your attention and have a nice weekend.

I think it is normal for them to lose interest. I am not sure what others have done because I didn’t use LR.
Maybe a break from LR might do some good? Keep reading books and play games.

That is what I’m doing so far. Let’s see what will happen later.

Mine are also 21 months old and we went through that stage around 2 months ago. I took a 10 day break from LR and it worked relatively well. Now they don’t say no and they ask for the game, another game, and another game… :yes: I also got Wink to learn and I alternate with LR, most times they like it but sometimes they say no… then I switch off and get a book. It is not always easy…

You could also take advantage of the drawing phase by teaching him geometry, you can tell him to draw a dot, two dots, connect them with a straight line and tell him this is a segment, you can draw circles and ovals, cubes, everything you can think of…

Thank you NPLight.

I’m trying that!

Good suggestions

Hallo Mario,

My boy loved LR from the start and only started losing interest after I built and was doing around 10 courses with him :ohmy: I’m lucky to be a stay at home mom so my situation is different, but here is my story, maybe you can gain some new ideas from this.

Wilhelm never like Little Math and Little Music wasn’t as bad but also not a favorite, so I use to do everything in the world to get him interested, icons, games, candy, you name it. What worked a little bit was doing the lessons while he was eating or drinking a bottle and the other thing that helped was having stuffed animals and other toys watch with us. I felt, he just had to watch because for me it was a lot of money I spent.

Then around his 2nd birthday, and that was the stage where I was also doing tons of Little Reader lessons, he started to completely refuse everything. So I quit for about a week. Then I thought to myself, why does he eat his veggies? Other kids have such issues with food a specially veggies. It was because I never dish up any veggies for him, only for me and my hubby, and because I don’t care if he eats it or not. So here’s the no-brainer, I started watching all the BrillKids stuff by myself, not caring if he wants to. We’ll be playing and I say, hang on a sec, I’m just going to watch MY little musician, I’ll be back, so soon enough he was right there wanting to jump on my lap, usually shouting, MY Little musician, not mommy’s little musician (or whatever it was we’re watching)

We’re currently viewing about 12 lessons a day, including Chinese, Afrikaans, Biology, History, Chess, I built a course will ALL the animal stuff in the Little Reader library, lots of Shen Li’s stuff, all kinds of stuff, and Little Math and Little Musician which he actually started enjoying this year and he asks for them first.

Your little one is still small, and the BrillKids programs really have a long lifetime, you could skip a year and still gain so much from it later on.

Good luck and all the best Mario

Hello MamaOfWill

Thank you very much.

By your testimonial I can see I’m in the right way, but just a little bit lost and not following a strict path on my choices. What you said I’ve done!

I put a Panda to watch with us and it helps for the first minutes. I also pretend that I’ll do LR and that I’m having my greatest moment of the day. But all of this is… sometimes.

I think I’ll try this harder and also put my wife to “watch” together.

All the best for you too!