Long post! Here it goes:
So, my daughter is about 2 1/2 now, and she blows me away by how much she learns everyday! Her decoding skills in reading are really taking off, and she’s interested in spelling. Can anyone recommend any good spelling apps or programs? We’ve tried a couple of apps, but she wasn’t really interested in them so I’m looking for something engaging.
For science, we watch Magic School Bus and Rachel and the Treeschoolers. Afterward, we reinforce concepts through fun activities. For example, after an episode about plants, we planted a seed and have been watching the plant grow. She knows about parts of the plant and that it needs sunlight and water, etc. For a planets episode, we made all of the planets out of materials we had at home, and she played with these for weeks! She loves dinosaurs and insects and birds, and for some reason she loves Bill Nye! We read books about the different topics as well which she loves. Am I missing anything in this department?
Any apps?
I want to help her continue to develop critical thinking skills. She asks a lot of questions and makes amazing connections between concepts. I’m thinking about buying Lollipop Logic and maybe some stuff from Critical Thinking Company. Any specific books you all can recommend?
For math, she counts to 100, knows numbers beyond 100, understands one to one correspondence, counts backwards quickly, skip counts by 2s and 10s, can do simple addition and subtraction, knows some fractions and measurements. I really want to get her going in math, but I’m still trying to determine which route to take.
Currently, we read Mathstart books, play with dominoes and dice, play with measuring cups in the bath, she helps me measure while I cook, and we do other math activities through play. We have also started reading Brian Cleary books, which she loves. I think Mortensen blocks are an excellent idea along with getting a password on Crewton Ramones House of Math website, so I’ll be placing an order soon. I think this will help her to really understand math. In addition, I am thinking Singapore math would be good for her. I want to start teaching her Soroban as well maybe in a few months, although I have no experience myself. I know there are other curriculums out there too like MEP and Jones Geniuses. Please share your experiences!
Any other routes or ideas you can suggest?
Memory is another area we want to focus on. I’ve heard of Memory Magic, but it seems their apps no longer exist. Anyone have experience with the software? Are there any to her apps you can suggest?
We watch Tweedlewink several nights a week and welcome any suggestions for more right brain materials.
Just a little background on her. She grasps concepts pretty quickly, and she doesn’t like too much repetition or she gets bored. I find that she prefers a variety of methods vs seeing the same thing everyday which is why we tend to use several different curriculums, apps, etc.
Thanks in advance!