Update about H.

Pretty inspiring, Manda! Maybe I’ll give it a try…

If the following seems officious, then I offer my apologies in advance. Perhaps the most efficient strategy I’ve found in countless endeavors is to find the top echelon of something and figure out their how and why. When we first got pregnant, I searched out the most prolific child readers to figure out “how” and “why”. Hence, DadDude’s essay and how I got to BK. It didn’t stop at reading though. I also searched out the most prolific in mathematics and asked the same question. When I turned my attention to piano or learning music, it seems the “how” for the very young (say 3 years old and not necessarily 13 years old) was Soft Mozart.

I will admit, I saw the thread DadDude referenced where Helliene racked up negative karmas due to her bloviating; She does seem over the top, and her software outrageously overpriced (and that was before she jacked the price up even more in February), but even saying this, when I take up piano with my little one, I fully plan on swallowing the bullet and getting Soft Mozart simply due to the results. (and like baby readers, the results litter youtube)

Should something come along in the meantime that shows better results for the very young, then I’ll consider something else.

My comment might not be of much help, but I thought I’d offer it regardless. As a disclaimer, I have almost no musical background - I played the drums for a year or two when I was about 8 or 9 years old.

in case anybody has been wondering (like I did) what DadDude is up to these days, here is his latest “update about the boys”
DadDude - are you still reading us here?
If I am not mistaken, I haven´t seen a post from you in a while.
Congratulations on the advances of your boys - like always very impressive!


Thank you! I would have missed it. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the mention and the kind words, early learning17. I rarely read here, I’m afraid. Just no time. Starting a new business is really, really time-consuming, and among the things that have had to give has been indulging in discussion and theorizing about education.