Unusual Question about Infant Stimulation Cards

Someone I know had shock therapy (ECT) for untreatable persistent suicidal thoughts. As I understand it, now this person’s brain is damaged and smoother…like a baby. She has been complaining of poorer eyesight. I printed out the Infant stim cards and showed them to her one time. She claimed she could see benefit from only one session, so I plan to do it daily.

What else might be useful or a special window into an adult we should take advantage of. She can still read. I was thinking EK cards?

Does anyone know why this appears to be doing something special?

That’s awesome, spaceman. I’m glad the person is benefiting – more power to you and her!

No idea what else might be helpful. I’d think that the combination of eye-candy high-contrast flashcards, with the personal interaction, probably are great.

Maybe transition to simple landscapes if the hi-contrast cards start getting overused / a little boring?
