Ultimate Phonics

Anyone ever use it with their baby?

I’ve been looking at this program for a while and though I originally considered it for my younger brother age 6, I think it could also be rather useful for a baby or a toddler either after Doman or along side Doman/LR

Here is the video demo of the program. Pretty impressive in my opinion, I haven’t seen anyone mention using phonics with their infant.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, head over to the UP website to try out there software for free for 10 days.

I dont know if anyone has ever taught their babies to read using phonics, but it seems like after your child has mastered the whole concept of printed words stand for actual concrete objects and ideals.

“t-r-u-c-k means truck, like the one daddy drives.”
“l-o-v-e, Mommy loves me.”
“b-r-e-a-d is like what I eat for lunch” etc, that they wouldn’t have much trouble understanding phonics.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, head over to the UP website to try out there software for free for 10 days.

I’m seriosly considering buying it and would use it with a child who has already learned (or is learning) words Doman/LR Style because they would understand that text stands for things and ideas…

I have it. I purchased it for my older child a couple of years ago. I like the content but for some reason it runs in a little window and I can’t expand it. I haven’t tried it with my 3 yr old because it is a bit intensive. My son thought it was boring. I couldn’t get him to stick with it. The little window is very annoying. But I’ve wondered whether my daughter might find it challenging in the future. It doesn’t have any fun graphics so it isn’t very captivating for a little one. You have to be a self motivated focused learner to benefit from it. But above all, it just runs too small. I have windows vista so I’ve always wondered if it runs small with other operating systems.


I know that you can gray out the rest of the screen, and while it might not have flashy graphics or anything it still seems like there should be a way to utilize it to help a young child.

We already know that infants and toddlers who’ve been shown that learning is a gift and a pleasure in and of itself arent likely to react like children who’ve grown up in the “standard societal mode”

Its up to the parents to make anything interesting and fun. Anyone willing to give it a shot and report back to the forum how it goes?

I do wonder about phonics a lot but have not used this programme and will more than likely not use it as my daughter is already three and capable of a reasonable amount of phonics already.

What I would like to know is when is blending a possibility - I could spell words to my child using the phonetical alphabet from around 2.5 but it was only much closer towards 3 that she started being able to blend by herself - and I know of many many children who can only do it much later than this. So what I want to know is: is blending a hearing skill or a developmental skill or something that can really be taught because if it is developmental then we should wait - we wouldn’t hurry them to walk if they couldn’t. If however it can be taught then what is the best method?

I taught individual letters and then letter “teams”. I tought groups of letters as one sound, I didn’t leave it up to them to blend.

“bl” says bluh
sk says “skuh”

and the like, I used The Reading Lesson to teach a 6yo and a 4yo to read. The 6yo finished in 10 weeks, the 4yo did about 1/4th of the program in 2-3 weeks.