UK user, free download


Am new to little reader sooo not too sure how to use it…
My lil un is only 7mths old so some of the content on the free download is a bit too advanced for him at the moment, all I would like to use with him at the mo is phonics alphabet, you know like aaaaaaa, bbbbbb, cacacacac . with pictures and words but don’t know where to find it…

I am thinking of purchasing little reader but just need to know if the simple stuff is on there as well



Hello Bascom I am sure will be more people adding comments here for you.

Have you looked here?

I would recomment to you to read throught the brillbaby site as there is great amount of information on how to teach babies to read.

What do you mean by advanced? Sometimes we evaluate the content from our point of view and that might not correspond with what the baby thinks about it :slight_smile: . Is your baby refusing to look at the screen?

The LR library is full of great stuff to show to babies.

Welcome here, hope you find what you are looking for!

Just want to add that with LR you can make your own lessons if you don’t find anything you are looking for.

my lil man does enjoy watching the screen but just thought it may be beyond him…
does the little reader basic package have the same edit functions, as I cant afford the little reader deluxe

Hi Bascom,

Yes, when you purchase the basic you get exactly the same software as the deluxe, you will just not be getting all the fancy little books and things (but you will have the software versions of all those books)

I also purchased basic :frowning: Would have love the extras though…