UK Residents/Ex-Pats/Anglophiles!!! HELP!

I desperately need help on working to fill as many suitcases/shipped packages my husband will agree to before he truly gets grumpy!

We have booked a trip to England next week for Brother-in-law’s wedding, but have recently discovered that Alex and I will have to remain home this time :wub: I usually spend a great deal of time browsing and picking out great books, materials, stocking up on food essentials/ homeopathics not available in the US. I love to browse, determining what has come out in the 1/2 year since my last trip, and discovering new resources…unfortunately, this won’t be possible this year.

HOWEVER! My awesome hubby has agreed to track down any materials I can put on a list or have shipped to Grandpa’s house…so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me with any new great books, materials, or resources you love!
Here are some of the materials on my list for this trip already:

LadyBird Readers
Oxford Readers
(I have whole sets being shipped to Granddads house but would love to hear favorites)
All of the Julia Donaldson books we don’t already have, and extra copies of the ones we like to give as gifts!
Shirley Hughes books
USborne Spotter Cards (Alex loves these and the US availability is awful.)

What else canI add to my ever-growing list besides a few months supply of vegetarian Bisto and Galaxy chocolate lol

You forgot the most important of all CHOCOLATE!!! As a bribe for hubby. ( I have heard that chocolate in the UK is extra yummy compared to other parts of the world or so my friends who have been there say)

Enid Blyton books. BBC DVDS Is all I can think of.

‘My Name is Mr Fox’ by Shen Roddie is one of Julia Donaldson’s favourite books - I’d have to recommend it because it’s by my mum!

Haha, let me have a friendly disagreement on chocolate :yes: – I would say Belgian wins the #1 chocolate title in my opinion ( personal experience :smiley: ), but every time I have a chance to get something from UK, – the first thought (apart from educational materials) Marmite – my 2 year old loves it as well! Now how did I get off the :blink: subject of books?

But from what you have ordered – that what I would order as well… BTW, were the Oxford Readers expensive? Just curious.

Can you easily get all of the Usborne lift a flap books? My kids are really into these, all 3 of them! They have quite a few, how things work, an atlas of the world one… I can give you names…
What about dorethy kindersley? DK have heaps of books and DVDs.
I know what’s hard to get here but not what’s hard to get there :laugh:

Thanks so much for the tip on “My Name is Mr. Fox!” it looks really cute, so I have ordered it. You couldn’t have known this, but Alex has a stuffed hen as her constant companion. We must have at least 40 books with hens as characters, so I am always on the hunt for another :yes:
Please tell your mum thanks as well!

DK is pretty accessible here in the US. And of course I second chocolate. American chocolate is icky.

Marmite is pretty easy to find in the US also. Of course I am a Vegemite girl, which is much harder to find :frowning:

I agree about Enid Blyton. I loved her books! The faraway tree series was by far my favourite. I did enjoy noddy also.

The usborne illustrated stories for me are a must. I have the illustrated stories for boys and the one for girls and James loves them equally. If I could I would own the whole collection.