two piece puzzles

hi there

i would like to know from what age is a baby able to fit in a two piece puzzle if you only provide the two pieces?

when would they beable to recognise two different two piece puzzles?

just curious to know because Sa’ad has ten two piece puzzles but isnt able to put them together yet. he tries though.

I don’t exactly know what you mean by two piece puzzles, but it could be that your little one simply isn’t interested yet.

Our son has just recently starting putting the chunky, peg puzzles together. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, it was that he didn’t want to (too much world to explore, after all!!).

Was there an age recommendation on them? I’d have to guess about 18 months to 2 years, but only if you have practiced with your son. It may take a while to figure out. Show him how to fit the pieces together and see if you can guide him to do it.

not 18 months mine is 15 and she can fix puzzels

You have to teach them to wiggle wiggle to get the pieces in. Mine knows where they go but can’t always get them in unless it is simple like a circle or square. But he also likes to put them elsewhere even though he knows where they go. Exploration I guess.

its a two piece puzzles matching the arabic number to the picture. they fit into each other like an adult puzzle. the pieces are big for a child though.

will give them to him again as i put them away for later and see what he does.

heres a song for finger exercises

shake shake shake your hands as slowly as you can
(sing slow and shake slow)
shake shake shake your hands as quickly as you can
(sing fast and shake fast)
wiggle wiggle wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can
wiggle wiggle wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can
pound pound pound your fists as slowly as you can
(ball fists and place on top of each other)
pound pound pound your fists as quickly as you can

teaches kids fast and slow and they roll over in giggles when you sing fast.

We have some of those 2 piece puzzles. Ayla picks out the matching pieces but isn’t able to make the pieces go together yet. She tries but gets frustrated. I end up puting one piece into the other and let her push it in the rest of the way, fixing it together if you know what I mean. I’m going to let her keep trying and eventually she’ll get it.

i don’t understand 2 piece puzzle exactly!! but wen our baby is only about 13 or 12 month they both starts to fix jigsaw puzzles

You have got to be kidding me! Thats amazing! At 12 or 13 months! Wow. Their is always amazing potential in our kids. How did they do that. What did u do!

I think it depends on the child - my sisters daughter was doing the peg puzzles at 12/13 months of age, but my daughter is no where near doing puzzles at all (she can tip all the peg puzzles out, but has never managed to put a piece in) Surprisingly enough though she is interested in playing with puzzle pieces (floor puzzles and peg puzzles) she just doesn’t seem too interested in fitting them together so they get carted around the room, stacked into piles and presented to whoever seems interested. I just do the puzzles myself in front of her while she is busy and hope that she’ll get the idea one day.

That said, she didn’t seem interested in stacking blocks either and I thought she was rather behind on that milestone as she was still not stacking 2 blocks a week ago. I then changed the set of blocks to some that were slightly smaller and within three days she could stack 6 blocks. Just keep trying every now and then and change things a bit to make your child more interested.

Here’s an example of 2-piece puzzles

my son was able to fix 3 puzzles when he was 17 months old, it was a little wood-bear: head, arms and legs, it was very logical and easy to make, I think, now he is doing 5 pieces puzzle with differents animals

all kids are different - I would say 12-18 months