Twin rivalry/differences?

Hi Everyone
We have been using LR since the twins were about 9 months. At about 16 months I introduced phonics and then the Reading Eggs program and just continued reading to them. We still use the LR for languages and music. It is a great time for bonding for us as both twins sit on my lap when we do the lessons. They won’t have it any other way. When J was about 2 years and 2 months he started recognizing words that I point out to him in books while we were reading. I quickly found out that he could read about 70 words and since then, I have stopped counting as he can read most words - the harder ones with some prompting. Curiously his identical twin brother is just starting to read at 2 years and 6 months. I wonder whether there could be sibling rivalry going on; one twin refusing to try because the other is better at it and whether this is the sign of things to come. Does anyone else have a similar experience with twins or siblings and how have you addressed it?

So funny! I have fraternal twin girls, and we have a similar problem. One is faster than another and gets frustrated with her sister’s slow reading. So, we just read our books separately and in a different room. This doesn’t hold the faster one down and prevents the slower one from being frustrated. I don’t think rivalry is avoidable. We are all better at some things than others. So, I also point out things to the slower reader that she is doing better than the fast reading twin!

This doesn’t sound like a sible rivalry to me. This post is a couple of weeks old, I am pretty curious to hear an update from you. How’s it going so far?