Tweedlewink math along with doman method

I have been doing the doman math method with dot cards for my 5 mo old and my 2 year old for a few weeks. I was thinking of buying the tweedlewink math video too. Math only cuz they are so expensive. Should I introduce the video now? Is it a good idea to pair the two together at the same time?

Hi Niniedney,
I personally would continue with the Doman method - as you’re able to randomly show the dots to your children, esp if you’re concerned about to cost of Tweedlewink discs … Tweedlewink easy to use, as you can park your kids in front of the TV, however the subject matter isn’t randomized - that would be my main criticism of the programme and any right brain kids DVD programmes (including Wink to Learn - once again very convenient especially if you don’t speak English or Chinese and want your child to learn another language). It would’ve been ideal if they could’ve somehow put more chapters eg. day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6 (remove a number add a new one), day 7 etc - however I’m sure it wouldn’t fit onto one DVD :smiley:
Cheers mtb999

i’m doing the same thing. we’re doing the dots and i started TW (the whole program) a few weeks ago. the nice thing is the lessons are very short. i feel like it reinforces the dots we’ve already flashed as they are not dots but other images. i am interested in little math and was wondering if it would be starting too much at the beginning as we are already doing 3 step equations… there is such a thing as too much review, right??
anyway, keep us posted on your progress and what you decide to do. for me, i have found that as you get more into math, the more difficult it is to find support. i am not a math whiz by any stretch and i can tell in about 6 months i’m going to hit a wall. but i’m going to stick with it so cross your fingers!
let’s stay in touch and good luck to you!
ciao, the doc :clown:

I’ve got Doman Math and TweedleWink going for my kids. Personally, I think if you’re doing Doman Math, it’s enough. The reason I’ve got both is that I started with TweedleWink and then bought the Doman Math kit. I agree with mtb999 with the limitations of TweedleWink, which is why I bought the Doman Math Kit. What I liked about TweedleWink was all the other subject matter that they covered.

There is definitely such as thing as too much review. As adults, we’re very left brain and we can only think of learning the way we learn - the left brain way. Babies and young children are right brain oriented and learn very differently. What takes us ages to learn can be learned in the blink of an eye for a child. Too much repetition has the danger of losing your child’s interest. Too much repetition is also a left brain method of learning. Remember that the right brain is photographic - it doesn’t need to see things over and over again to learn. It can learn instantaneously. The left brain is the one that needs repetitions to learn. Therefore if you repeat too much, you are promoting your child’s left brain development.

Your child’s left brain is going to kick in eventually so you don’t have to worry about your child being “too” right brained. However, there is a possibility of your child transitioning to the left brain earlier if you do too many activities that develop the left brain - such as high repetitions. Early transitioning means you lose out on maximising your child’s full right brain potential. They say that a child’s learning capacity from birth to 6 years is greater than his learning capacity from 7 - 18 years and this is all because of the right brain!

yes, that is GREAT food for thought. too much review kicks in the left brain too early!
a very good thing to remember.
however, the question is how much is too much review? i agree that doman reviews too much. i think that is why i like TW b/c they say view the dvd 1-3/x. so what do you guys think about showing bit card 3x/each set before retiring them? what do you all do as far a showing materials?

I used to follow the Doman rules to the letter until I learned more about right brain training. Doman doesn’t believe in right brain training which is probably why their formula states that many repetitions. Wennie Sun made a very good point regarding Doman’s philosophy - he started his program on brain injured children who need repetitions to repair the broken pathways. Healthy children who don’t require the kind of repetition that brain injured children need.

I have since dropped back to flashing the same set of words twice a day for five days but I still wonder if that might still be too much. I think a good rule of thumb is that if your child is starting to look away, chances are he’s already learned the stuff you’re showing him and he’s telling you he’s bored - provided he isn’t looking away for other reasons (being distracted, feeling sleepy, not in the mood, etc.)

For my bits of intelligence cards, I show them once daily with one bit of info only and stick the cards up around the room for him to look at whenever he wants to.

For Math - I still flash the nine equations. I do different equations and I make them random with no pattern. E.g. 5+26, 13+34, 39+17

I’d really love to hear what others are doing in terms of frequency, too.

Wow that is interesting about doman and makes complete sense. I just bought over 1,000 bits from a gal who had a brain Injured child and went though the program where she went to The institute 2-3x/ year. Hard core. She said the main thing for her was tons of bits words etc. Flash often repeat often. So now I understand why.
Right now we are doing equations and Im flashing 2 sets/day and stay on each function a week. We skip Sundays. We are doing + &- for a week then x /. For another week. Then I’ll go back to add/subtract and add more integers. In between I’m starting to show numerals so that when we start multiplying I can flash just numbers. But we are about a month from that (I’m not the most consistent person but i do my best). Has anyone started to add numerals? Any pointers would help
The doc :clown:

Since I posed this we have decided to buy the whole tweedlewink series. I am still doing the dot cards but we don’t do them every day. I am going to do what shenli said and also use other things not just dots for the cards. See if she is more interested that way. Now that you said too much repeatition can make the left brain kick in I have to ask this: my daughter didn’t like doing the doman flashing method for reading. Then we made our way. I put words up on the wall with a picture of the word next to it. Then after we review the words enough I take the picture down and leave only the word for a few more days, reviewing them again and them retire them. She reads them herself, that why I like to put them on the wall. I am a spaz and will have every intention of going over cards every day, many times a day. But with the words on the wall they are there and we won’t forget. My question is: is this too much? I know this is working for us, she can read more than 50 words now. And she is using some phonics too. Her cousin gave her his old leap frog videos and she loves them. Just wondering what input you have about this shenli? Thanks… U always answer my questions : )

I think tinges on the wall are great! There is a store of the Russian who won the feilds prize some time ago. Her family was so poor that they papered The walls of her room with pages of math books and she figured it out! She learned math from beginning to calculus reading from her walls True story. Einstein spent his young years looking though he family’s subscription of science magazines and that is how he learned about physics. You are on the right track!
The doc :clown:

I really think you’ve answered your own question - it’s working for you that means it’s fine.

Putting up stuff on the wall is great. The Montessori Method believes in letting children lead the way in learning. When you have stuff up on the wall, your daughter has control over when she wants to learn to read. I did my own alphabet charts and posted them up on the wall when my son was little - that was before I knew anything about right brain training or these early childhood development programs for teaching Math, reading, etc. My son would run to the charts every morning and we would go through them when he wanted to and stop when he got bored of them. Sometimes that means we don’t go through all of it, but that’s ok.

There is a tendency for us to want to make sure we go through things x number of times, x number of days, etc. That’s because of our left brain - it needs rules, order, structure. The right brain of a child learns differently so we shouldn’t try to structure them. What you want is to give your daughter opportunity to learn. Don’t worry about whether she’s learning or not because she is. Doman and TweedleWink strongly advise not to test your child. Testing a child to see what she knows is detrimental to learning.

I used to do that to my son and I believe it is the cause of why he stopped enjoying flashcards. I was testing him to see if he could recognise the words. These days I just let him reveal to me what he wants when he wants. For instance, he recognised the word “duck” on a restaurant menu and told me he wanted to eat duck. Sometimes when I flash cards for my younger son, my older son will read the words out. This is how I know he is learning, but I’ve stopped testing him to check what he’s learned.

What’s important at the end of the day is that you are relaxed, your daughter is relaxed and your learning sessions are fun. If you’re both enjoying them, you know she’s learning. Follow your daughter’s lead - if she’s enjoying it, go for it! If she doesn’t want to do them, stop. Everything your expose to your daughter is great - if she likes the leap frog videos then by all means let her watch them. If you want to do flashcards more often but are afraid of overdoing them, then change your words or introduce new concepts. Introduce new words more frequently - add variety to the session. You can also do “bits of intelligence” - for instance, if you want to teach her about the solar system, show her pictures of the planets, the names of the planets and give her a few facts about each of the planets. Make a solar system model with her. Take her to the planetarium and let her see all the exhibits.

If you’re teaching her words about fruits - show her the flashcard and take out the real fruit and let her play with it. Take her to the market to see all the fruits around. Let her smell them, touch them, taste them. Make a fruit salad or let her decorate your fruit flan if you like to cook.

These are just examples. You can come up with your own ideas. But adding these physical dimensions to your lessons can make learning how to read more fun for your daughter.

I think I’ve probably gone off what you were asking for :blush: but I hope that helps.

Wow, everyone here is so nice and helpful. Thanks all, for answering my questions : )