Tweddlewink or Shichida Schools in the US?

Anyone know of any Shichida or Tweedlewink style schools in the US? I am absolutely fascinated and would love to visit/work at one. Even open one in my hometown if possible. Seems like the only ones I can find are overseas.

I think TW used to have a school, but it has closed. :frowning:
As far as I know, no Shichida. :frowning:

The closest programs you will find are , , and . I have nopersonal experience and some of the programs are considering controversial (brain gym for one). Thouugh they are not really representative of TW/Shichida school, they’re the closest we have. Actually, with what little information I know of, they’re not similar at all, but this is the closest you can get in the states as far as I know.

Oh wait, I take that back. I think Shichida has or had a school in New York at one point, but it was not in English. Let me go look for it…

“That right-brain-interest-circle expanded to Singapore and Malaysia, and more overseas schools were opened in New York in 2002, in Hawaii in 2003,”

No shichida school there as I know and it’s too hard to open one in your home town!
Now I live in malaysia and my little one goes to shichida class here, but I emailed to shichida Japan couple of times to see if I can get the lisence to open one in my country. they answered it will be a long long process … :frowning:
But it’s better to try your own! Good luck :slight_smile: