trying to buy educational DVDs...bad experience

:mad: >:(
Not impressed. Hopping mad actually. have had no end of run-around trying to buy Brainy baby DVDs, and finally i told them if they dont reply i’d mention them on here, to warn you all. no reply. Months ago, i tried to purchase off the Brainy Baby site, but wasnt able to complete the transaction, being NOT in America (is that discrimination??). I had to contact an australian retailer they listed, who never responded. So I tried to notify them of this to no avail, then I wrote to the UK stockist, explaining the scenario…no reply. tried to purchase elsewhere, but didnt have much luck til recently. Tried the aussie retailer again, he finally replied and said he didnt have what i was looking for, and gave me another person’s details, who replied after I finally made contact with brainy baby themselves. Brainy baby were very helpful (initially), and got my order together, and were recalculating a package for me minus some flashcards, on July the 10th. Since then, nothing!!! I have emailed a few times, but no reply. I cant even buy off the Aussie woman, as I cant seem to download a catalog off her site. She didnt have what i wanted at that time. Not happy!!! :mad:
On the other hand, the Baby Chatterbox series seems good…and I’m borrowing baby blinks from the library…will let you know.

You may want to try Tweedlewink. They seem to be very helpful.

What about ebay? Powersellers there are typically far more efficient (and charge less too) than the main distributors, and many nowadays are willing to ship overseas.

This one for example:

$1! :blink: :huh:

Actually it is more expensive to buy Brainy baby products from ebay… I put off buying from ebay for a long time, but when all other avenues seemed to be exhausted, I started buying. The Aussie sellers dont have what I’m looking for, that is Bilingual Baby, and the US sellers on Ebay and Amazon are charging through the roof…I know what a VHS tape costs on brainy baby, and I know what they are being sold for. Not to mention, the postage they charge PER item to Australia is about $13… no discounts for multiple items etc.

That’s why I’m so upset. it’s the bad manners, it’s the inconvenience of having to check my emails every morning to see if she’s written back, of not being able to change my provider (I’m on broadband now, but have to keep my dial-up provider so I can check my emails on the email address they last wrote to me on), of having to fix my computers which have been having problems, basically because I want those Bilingual baby Dvds… plusd I’m keeping that money aside, and should have just paid for the order she first calculated had I known she’d never get back to me. Bilingual Baby Hebrew…someone on Amazon is selling for $160.

If anyone decides to go off and buy from brainy baby, mention that Nicole from australia is still wanting to pay for her order from a month ago.

Is there a US Office of Fair trading/Consumer affairs I can report this to? Because it’s really bad treatment, particularly as I’ve been praising the product to everyone.

As for Tweedlewink, I have them and babybit, and the service was swift and fast. I’m having difficulty emailing Baby Chatterbox, but they dont have the sale on, and it’s annoying me that all these people who are just out to buy up, resell and make a profit, are probably buying items from the order she is supposed to have put aside for me, who isnt planning to resell but use it properly, for it’s designated purpose.

There’s my hissy-fit for the day. all this having to fix computers all day, upgrading etc, is taking up so much of my time it’s bringing back my post-natal depression this week…too much to do, not enough hours, demanding baby who doesnt want to sleep or be left alone, 3 other kids to look after, hours searching for Bilingual on the net but refusing to pay those prices when i have brainy Baby’s word they will sell to me and have an order put aside…trying to make flashcards, research how to do powerpoint presentations yada yada… :mad: >:( :frowning:

Anyone want to buy the VHS bilingual baby’s I want, list them on ebay at an appointed time as “Buy-it now” with a bit of a profit margin, for me to buy via paypal immediately…

Ridiculous the lenghts I have to go to to get bi Lingual Baby (I want all except swedish and Portuguese). and Talking Hands, Left Brain, And First Impressions Letters. (I have mananged to get most everything else, via ebay, before ANY Representative of brainy baby from ANY country got back to me. (which cost me a lot more). International standard Flat rate shipping is cheapest.

Thanks!! (if anyone can help!!)

Has anyone visited I was just courious to know what you thought if so.

We think we’ve had a happy ending… I finally got an email back from Brainy BABY saying they’d tried to contact me but their emails werent gettting through, and actually after that email an email dated july 17 came through, which confirms that. Dont know what was going on, cos I was emailing from 3 different computers, but who knows the intricacies of cyberspace??? Anyway, I’ve bought what I wanted via PayPal, and presume all should be fine. And Bilingual baby looks worth a look… they have a VHS sale on… $4.95 for a lot of items!!!