Try out reading eggs FREE

I got an email from reading eggs offering a four week trial to me and my friends. For each trial that is activated reading eggs will donate $2 to children’s cancer research.
Here are the instructions they gave me.

Simply forward this email to a family member or friend before Friday 15 March 2013, and they can start their FREE 4 WEEK trial by following the simple steps below:

  1. Register at
  2. Enter the FREE 4 week access code: AU567 in the 'Have a Promo Code?' box on the ‘Parent Dashboard’ screen once logged in.

All my kids love reading eggs and i can see that is did help them. children under 3 will need help with mouse control. But i taught all my kids how to do it independently well before they were 4. i did invest in a child size cordless mouse which helped a lot!

Haha, I bet they didn’t realise you had THIS many friends. Thanks for the link!

So Amanda, I went looking for a review of Reading Eggs and in the process came across this coupon code to give you an extra 3 weeks on top of the 2 week trial So I entered that one instead of yours. It didn’t seem to take, so I thought it was old. Then I entered yours and it still said 14 days left in your free trial. Well, then I refreshed and now I have 65 days free. So, if anyone wants the extra code for a total of 65 free days: UKB24MBT

A very helpful site and thanx for the codes :smiley:
you guys are awesome :smiley:

Sweet! Thanks Sonya! That covers me until Jaykobs school subscription code is available for home use. I didn’t want to buy another 6 months for just a few more weeks use!


Not sure how long we’ll be using ReadingEggs, but my little man, well, you know how cooperative he is. I had three, maybe four, really good weeks of cooperation from him. We are back at very little. My husband said he must be MY child. and he is probably right. :tongue:

Anyway, we took the test, the newness was too exciting to pass up. I am shocked at how much he actually knows. I would place him at the beginning to middle of 1st grade. Even if we do nothing else. it was worth it just to find out what the kid knows.

Yay! It’s great to do a test every now and then. As mums we are sometimes guilty of underestimating our children. I know I am constantly underestimating my middle child! That girl surprises me most months! I am going to give Jaykob that test! I wasn’t going to I planned to let him just go from the beginning…but thinking about it now that makes no sense at all. He has to start at the beginning for school so why do the too easy work twice!
I should also mention ( because I was SOOOOO excited to find this out! ) that reading express ( the section full of books) is IPAD FRIENDLY! Yay! :yes:
I your children are fickle then free samples are perfect for you! Wonder what else we can get a free trial in?

Oh I got a $25 coupon for space boards ( its an app that is really digital worksheets) you buy different workbooks to use on the iPad and erase them when you are don’t to reuse. Sign up for the homeschool buyers coop and here is the link

There will be something you can use there.

We have taken advantage of these 65 days free and I set James up with reading eggs again. It is still too tricky for him to use a mouse, so he points to the screen and I handle the mouse. An app version would be great.
We did the placement test and we are starting on map 8.
Frankly, I am just not feeling the love. Currently it is very easy and the progress is quite slow. James enjoys playing the games. So I can see how many children love it. I just think there are more efficient ways to teach reading. And certainly cheaper ways.

The egoressions section is nice. There are many books. Even some informative non fiction books. Even better is that each book has a set of comprehension questions. This is nice and James doesn’t mind doing them.

Could I ever justify playing for reading eggs? No. But it is great to be able to take a good look at it.

Hehe I tried it once before my kids learnt how to use a mouse and hated it! I just don’t have the patience to do all the clicking. We got a child friendly mouse and I left them to it. It is very useful if you are doing the house work and they are getting in some revision, learning and practice. Yes there are better more efficient ways but for children independently working reading eggs is pretty great.
It does a great job of reinforcing early phonics, probably more useful to 3.5- 7 year olds who are learning to read. Many of the kids here will be too advanced for it before they are old enough to use it.

I got the trial and am shocked and amazed. Nikki has started (in some of the games) recognising whole words! To this point, he has never once read a word without sounding out the letters (barring I/a which are single letters and so don’t count). No matter how many times he sees a word, or how fun and silly I make it, he can only read single words by sounding them out.

Until today, apparently! The whole-word games, when he was paying proper attention and listening to instructions, he spotted the words straight away. He even found am in a set of at, as, am which is surprising, because I’m sure he relies a lot on initial sounds to guess the words.

There were even a few moments where he appeared to read words that had not been sounded/read out in the game (like apple) which I guess means he knows a lot more than he’s letting me see and the flashcards weren’t all for naught!

We started on map 1 (because of the lack of word-reading - he knows all the phonics) and he completed the map in a day. I expect our progress to get a bit slower - especially as I get bored of being the mouse, which he tires of using very within a few minutes - but hopefully this will be the program that finally makes all his previous reading knowledge make sense to him and get him actually reading!

I would have to say that generally there are a few games that are too busy/fast moving for him to play properly (it is a program designed for older kids) but mostly I think it is great :smiley:

Another access code: 4WEEK

Mummy roo that’s great news! Reading eggs helped Jaykon and Tiana make sense of what they were learning elsewhere. I found my kids actually bothered to read the words to get the right answer, when reading with me they will guess!

Just a note you can only use 2 codes per year

I ended up signing up but a lot of the activities are a bit beyond my 17month old at the moment. While she knows all her letters and sounds, she cannot identify the sound at a beginning of a word - which is what quite a few of the activities are based on. But hoping that will happen in the coming year. We have only just started LR

We’ve now completed the first twenty lessons and a lot of the basic phonics stuff was just review for him. He has started reading short sentences, though so that’s good :smiley:

Even at 3.5 there are some games that are too fast or want too much for him to do properly. Some are timed, which mean that if he is using the mouse himself, trying to sound out all the words when he doesn’t need to or otherwise showing a toddler attention span then he fails even if he gets all the right answers (which means I re-do them myself to save the frustration). I would say about 80-90% works with minimal help from me.

Have you seen the reading eggs sight words app. It is almost too fun to get the answers wrong (we only managed to complete one level so far because he deliberately touches all the other things to see what happens) but that is probably workable for a younger child.

Thanks for the Sight Word app suggestion. I haven’t used this one but I did try the alphabet one and that one is no good for us. I’ll try the sight word one and see how it goes. I might put it on the tablet as my phone can be a bit small sometimes

I have just been doing all the activities in Reading Eggs that my daughter cant do and explaining them as I go, emphasizing beginning sounds. The bits she is good at is finding letters in words, and identifying the short words (we have only had am and Sam so far). So I do see potential in it as time goes on.

Reading whisperer posted yesterday that she doesn’t like reading eggs at all. As far as I can tell that is the best advertisement for them I have heard yet :wink:
lol lol lol lol lol
Reading eggs is usable for quite a way thought he reading journey.
The problem mentioned with the apps is the reason I don’t really advertise them. They are good apps but it is WAY more fun to get the wrong button than the right one! I mean have you seen that piggy squeal! lol I use them at kindy but I tell the kids one proper game first then go crazy pushing everything next go.