Trachtenberg System

Hi guys…does anyone have any comments/opinions on the above system?

It just memorizing algorithms for mental calculation… I remember doing it at school, but there are also other methods and algorithms that are more spectacular if that what you are looking for (math magic for kids :yes: ) and it really does not teach the reason or math concepts from what I remember.

May be some time down the line I would show it to my kids, but I am not planning on introducing it at the moment. It def can be used for large numbers mental calculations…

Isn’t something similar to Jones Geniuses?

It is just a system of algorithms for faster mental calculations for advanced math students. Not particularly faster then other methods ( excerpt for multiplying by 11, which is nice). So it is really two part to his method, (1) multiplication by small numbers (2 through 12), and (2) addition, multiplication, and division as other speed arithmetic experts do it… It is not a program like JGs. ( I am not really familiar with JGs to compare it, but it probably can be used in conjunction at some point.)

His Multiplication algoritms not really the fastest method, but they are fun. I would not imagine young kids doing these though, there are other ones out there, some call them math magic or math tricks, that would be more fun and suitable for young learners.

Thanks guys. I’d got a kindle sample and that sounded really cool but when I’ve looked into it more I don’t really fancy it. Trachtenberg was an amazing and inspiring man though, it was interesting to learn about him :slight_smile: