toys: gender divided?

I don’t know if it is silly question but
If I’d like to buy a doll for my son or some toy which is using by girls usually is it strange?

I don’t think this is at all strange, my son has a doll. In fact I think that a doll teaches valuable social lessons. For example it a family was expecting a new baby an older sibling can be given their own baby doll to help them get ready and learn what to expect. Dolls also let boys role play being a dad.

I don’t think it is a problem at all. I think dolls can teach boys how to be gentle and caring. There are some dolls geared more towards boys. My son has a Raggedy Andy doll made by my grandmother, and there are also those dolls that have laces, buttons and snaps. Those can be fun b/c they have so much stuff to do. They make them in boy and girl dolls.

I think it’s Ok for a boy to have a doll as a toddler, but when they get older I dont recommend Barbies and bratz dolls!! I’d go for GI Joe or spiderman figures. It’s OK for girls to have cars. Just watch to see if boys start sneaking into their older sisters room to put on tutus, high heels and makeup, because it’s a warning sign of feminisation, and if not addressed can become the norm, like a fetish. It’s also concerning when girls arent interested in dolls. And then not interested in boys or having children themselves. These things can show up early. I’m not homophobic, but as a mother I dont see that as the ideal for my kids, and if I can steer them in a more traditional gender role, I will. If that doesnt ultimately work, I’ll accept that they are what they are, but I wouldnt deliberately try to produce a gay child, or a child that wants to have a transgender operation.

I am not against giving them toy guns to play with, as I’ve noticed that if they arent allowed weapons that boys play act weapons anyway. I always had fun playing cowboys and Indians. I’m against real guns though, even for adults. They can REALLY kill. I would also watch closely for signs of excessive violence, as some kids seem cruel to animals (and this is something psychopaths usually exhibit as kids), and anti-social behaviour. It could be a sign of Aspergers. You really can see early on what a person can become as an adult.

My son has tons of stuffed animals, some of them are really doll-like in that they have clothes to remove and put back on, etc. I will probably not by him a doll baby human though, there are plenty of dolls for him to play with at the day care if he wants.