Toys from Trash

This is a very interesting site. It has many fun science projects that you can do with simple things around the house.

If you go to the home page, there are list of books written by the author. I liked on the one that said puzzle.

Hope you will ejoy it.

Wow, that’s cool.

Thanks for the link!! I am always looking for ways to feed my daughter’s interest in science.

Thanks a lot, fab site. Very timely, just as I was running out of ideas for science projects for my son! Thanks

Thanks for the link heath, karma to you! This site has so many awesome projects. I will for sure be using some of these very soon.

Thanks again! :biggrin:

Interesting, thanks for the info.

Surprised that such a site is present with so many so many projects & toys, that too made from nothing.

Thanks to the author as well as heath who gave the link.

Its not just that there are so many projects, but that we can teach our child - even broken toys and waste material can be utilized in so many ways to have something useful & fun. Instead of throwing into dustbin, we can use them to create for our child or give to underprivilidged, apart from learning & teaching so much from the science projects & toy making process & books.

One cannot imagine how much time and effort must have gone to create such a huge site with huge variety of things.

Thanks again.

That’s awesome! I think that I’m going to to the black hole one with Dirk soon. He loves that kind of stuff! Thanks so much!

Waoo…excelent…I like it. Very useful ideas, we can save money too.