Touch Math question, double touch point

Just wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to help my 4yr old remember the placement of the Touchpoints on the numbers 7 and up? She can look at any number 1-6 and know where the touch points are. But doesn’t remember where the touch points are for the other numbers.
What things have helped you help your child remember the placement. Right now I’ve been using the dry erase board because she loves to draw on it.
I show her where they go and remind her that the double touch points have a ‘donut’ when she draws them. Its just the numbers 7, 8 and especially 9 , trumps her. It doesn’t help that 9 can be written with a circle and line too.
Other then that she’s doing really well with adding.

I told my son you count down and the single point is the nose. The software you won does wonders for teaching touch points too.

I have used TouchMath with my oldest since she was 2 (she is 8 now). She too was having some difficulties with the double touch points. The numbers 7 and 9 were the hardest for her to remember. What I did was make touch cards (these are flash cards that are tactile) using laminated print outs, red felt, and sand paper. At that time they didn’t have the touch cards available and my dd is a very tactile learner. I photocopied and laminated the big posters that came with my TouchMath kit. Then I measured the dot and circles and made a template( I just traced the poster’s dots and circles and cut papers for this step) . Finally, I cut red felt dots and sandpaper circles, and hot glued them to their corresponding places on the laminated sheets. I used felt and sand paper so there would be a big contrast in texture between the dots and the circles. This worked really well for me. I had been working for weeks trying different ways of helping her remember where the double points go on the 7 and 9. But after playing with the cards a few times she just got it. Math is definitely her favorite subject and

I use them now with my 1.5 & 2.5 year old and they love them. They have stood the test of time, except now my 1.5 year old is really rough with them(she is a brute with all my manipulatives) and occasionally I have to re-hot glue the felt. I should mention that I used 5mil lamination pouches because they are not flimsy like the 3mil. 3mil would not have survived all that my youngest could dish out.

Thank you ladies :biggrin:
I’m glad to know that the software will help with Touch Point placement. I knew the K software had it but didn’t know if the 1st grade one had the same thing on it.

I’ll have to try the tactile numbers too. I do have those big numbers that I can copy. Thanks so much for the ideas. :smiley: