Top Reading Do's and Don't When Teaching Your Child to Read

The top thing you can do is set an example. If you show how you value reading, enjoy it and your child can see the benefits then they are much more likely to see reading as an integral part of everyday life.

Show your child how useful reading is. Read for information, read recipes, read on the internet, read the post, magazines, instructions and newspapers. Demonstrate how to find things out and how essential reading is to help us do things.

Start a book collection for your child. Start with the library and then buy your child’s favorite authors books. Leave the books on low shelves where your child can access them freely as and when they want to.

Put posters with alphabet characters in your child’s room. Look at them together often pointing out the letter names such as A B C and the sound they make, a, b c. Don’t worry about saying the letter sounds or names. Most children will learn both at the same time with little problem. Some reading schemes make a fuss over this but I just taught my children a say a for apple and A says A for Acorn. Before you know it your child will know the letter names and sounds. Sing the alphabet song. Before you know it your child will know the letters of the alphabet.

When you read with your child which you should do every day, make is a loving and rewarding experience. Sit close, chose a book each so your child has a choice and you share a favorite book too. Say why you picked that book and what you enjoyed about the book when you have read it.

When reading use different voices and read with as much expression and fun as possible. Encourage your child to point to the words with you as you read. Point out words as you go especially repeated words.

Pick a letter or sound such as ‘sh’ or ‘th’ and play spot the letter in the book. Or play find something beginning with a letter.

Don’t make your child read any words if they don’t want to.

Don’t ever say NO that’s wrong - EVER. Simply say ‘good try’ and say the word correctly for your child.

Encourage all attempts to say a letter of word, give plenty of positive reinforcement and positive feedback. That way your child will experience success and love reading.