Top 10 mistakes when raising bilingual or multilingual kids

I found this article in a website and I thoug it was short and to the point:

  • Don’t teach – make it fun and natural.
  • Don’t make a big deal of the languages – but do explain the usage.
  • Don’t correct – just repeat the words correctly.
  • Don’t ask your child to “show off,” – but praise him if he volunteers.
  • Don’t mix languages yourself – a consistent language system provides structure, predictability, and security. This in turn promotes learning.
  • Don’t rely on recordings – speak or sing to your baby directly and intently.
  • Don’t be shy – use your language in public even if you sometimes feel embarrassed.
  • Don’t make abrupt changes to your child’s language environment – go slow and explain what’s happening.
  • Don’t wait to expose your child to a second or third language – the earlier your child starts, the easier it will be for everyone.
  • Don’t wait! We really mean it! If not now, probably never.

But Do: praise, encourage, and have fun!

Thank you for this post (where did you get it?)

All these helpful posts are encouraging me more and more to get started doing more with my children’s language learning… so far they have been exposed to music, videos (movies and kids shows with alternate language tracks), and children’s language learning videos, sometimes a foreign language ‘word book’ here and there, and occasionally I will tell them what something is called in another language. Some great tips here for guidance in really getting started… thanks!

I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I got it from this site:

It has a lot of information about raising multilingual children. It is a good source to go to when you have questions. I think you will find it very helpful. :wink:

Great post! A lot of those tips are really very practical - like the don’t be shy one! I totally agree on speaking and singing the language to children, it’s how they learn it best i think…