Hi NidaZafar, that’s the spirit … go slow and gentle at first and then let them get a hang of it, build their interest and curiosity … once they show interest … start to do more and then do equations … but its a continuous process … everyday items and occasions can be a learning experience …
have fun … its a learning experience for all of us …
Is 15 months too late to do quantity dots cards? My son is almost 15 months, I wanted to start a program for LM. Should I just skip that and do counting or something else with LM? I have been here a long time, I am very relaxed on our program and I want my child to start making progress. He is making lots of progress in music, but in reading and math he hasn’t made much progress and it’s my fault for not keeping him on a consistent program. If he wants to play with his toys, or get into the drawers, I just let him and don’t worry about academics. I realized yesterday he could sing part of the ABC song, he is very smart and I want to teach him.
What I’ve read says 3 years old is usually the cut off for quantity recognition. Some children lose it earlier and some later. Some carry on until adulthood. Someone once said, even if you don’t do all 100, it is helpful even to do up to 10 or 20. You can do a lot of math with 1-20.