Tom Glazer Singing ScienceSongs

A few years ago I came across the most fantastic set of science songs done by folk singer Tom Glazer (the guy who did ‘On Top of Spaghetti’). This six album setof folk-themed science music is ALL about the content…you might even recognize a couple that They Might Be Giants have redone…
These songs have really been out of circulation for years, but a guy called Jef Poskanzer found a full set of LPs in his parents basemen, converted them all to MP3s, and made them available to the public, for FREE, because he recognized the potential!
I recently pulled out the CD I made from his website and my daughter and I have been listening fo THREE days…I cannot believe how much we have learned! These are not your everyday science music–extremely informative and information-packed!!! Yet catchy enough that my Two-year-old daughter loves them…
So I wanted to share them with all of you, but the site is no longer available! I found a site selling them very cheaply and am posting it here, but I would love to find a way to share them for free with all of you…any ideas? Perhaps there is a way via LR?

I just took a quick listen on that link - they sound amazing!

what a great find! thank you :slight_smile: they’re so catchy and fun and right up our alley. can’t wait to start playing them. at least on the page you linked to, you can watch a few videos, such as i noticed at the bottom of one of them that it was hosted by, which seems to provide homeschool curriculum for preschool through highschool. thanks again.

this person seems to have quite a bit of them uploaded to youtube. i do have a concern after reading a comment on one of the other videos. these songs are over 50 years old and things change. how much of this is still accurate? i know that from the time i was taught, there’s a whole planet that no longer ‘exists’ lol. kwim?

I had the same concern not wanting to present ANYTHING outdated to her…so far, the only thing we have found are things we add on…(“that’s silly isn’t it?! Pluto is a dwarf planet, isn’t it?”). We are scientists with a pretty broad basic (at least!) background between us, and have tried to find mistakes…so far, so good, but please let me know if any of you find anything glaring!
It seems to be just enough information about topics that haven’t changed, and not so deep that those that have get into…

Have you guys come across Peter Weatherall’s Math and Science DVDs and CDs? We are huge fans of his and they are SO affordable!

Our personal favorite is the Human Biology one:

and he also has a new one called Where Does Food Come From just released:

yes, we’re big fans too! i remember the first time i had to go around the grocery store singing enthusiastically (is there another way with a toddler?) the elements/periodic table song over and over again WITH my barely 2 year old because it was his favorite at the time … i felt a mix of pride and awkwardness, but the joy he showed was oh so worth it lol

@aangeles - you know, i’ve just been playing them from youtube … i am so glad you gave me that link. i cannot believe how inexpensive they are! i feel like it’s the least i can do to support the wonderful job he’s done in putting these together in a way that toddlers and adults alike can enjoy. thanks again for sharing!

aangeles - those DVDs look great - I just ordered the math & science ones. Thanks for the tip

Aangeles, thank you for the tip about Peter Weatherall’s Math and Science DVDs – we got these and kids love them! Great find for very reasonable price. Plus he is so-o efficient with shipping! It came from New Zealand in 5 days with no expedited charges.

Oh yes they are great! We got a human body and a where does food come from dvd and the music and my kids were dancing around the room watching them. Oh boy that accent is a cracker! Laughing at the way he says vitamins!