Toddler no interest in Flash cards at all

Hi everyone,
Not sure if anyone has came across the same situation as me. I have a 2 yr old toddler who is not interested in flash card at all. I did the Glenn Doman with her since she was 9 months old and since then it has always been a challenge to show her the flash cards. I did English, Chinese and Maths with her. She never could pay attention, unless sometimes i am lucky to catch her in a good mood in the morning. I tried to use the little stuff toys she has, like the winnie the pooh -piglets and asked her to carry them ask i am teaching the bears to read and not her. Sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn’t.

My questions is should i still carry on with this or should i stop to flash the cards totally? I really began to wonder is there anyone who has a 2 year old toddler who is able to sit still or really enjoying looking at flash cards… i mean words all the dots and not pictures …


At 4-1/2 months, my son refused to see flash cards…Yours is a toddler, so it is no wonder why she is refusing. Most children don’t fancy flash cards. Have you tried showing on the computer? Children love to see things on the computer these days with different font colors and background colors. You can make powerpoint presentations on your own or you can download for free from this website…If not, you can try Little Reader, the software which is sold by the people running this website. There are several downloadable Little reader files too, apart from a curriculum of its own.


Well, try not showing any cards at all for a few weeks to a month. Then start fresh again. Make sure it’s a good time to show your little one. When is she happier during the day? For example, you can show a handful of cards right after breakfast while she sits on her highchair.

Some things to consider: Are u saying the cards quickly and with a high pitched, fun voice? Are u making it fun or is it a chore for both of you?

PLEASE don’t do it extensively, I never follow any reccomended flashing schedule because it seems too overwhelming and dull. I only show my little guy maybe 1-3 times a week tops and once a day. He knows over 100 words at 16 months old.

Important thing to remember is MAKE IT FUN and as soon as she turns away and looses interest, STOP! Change the experience and do something else.

Hope this helps, oh and Powerpoint slides with audio help a lot also :wink:

thanks for the advise…

But somehow i wonder, if you only flashed like 1-3 times per week, will they remember what u have flashed?

i started GD cards when my daughter was 3 mths old, we both were very enjoyed during the period! Unfortunately, we stopped the flash cards session totally as she lost interest in the cards for nearly a year till she was 18 mths old. I’m so happy to regain her interest after sending her to Shichida Methods ( SM) classes… I’m flashing her the picture cards which I bought from SM and she really loves it! As for the GD cards which i didn’t finished last time, I mix it with the SM picture cards, now she seems like very enjoy the cards session especially before her nap time in the morning :biggrin: She even asking for more and more! So, I do PC slideshows and youtube alphabets songs to her after lunch time… then I leave her to play other activities even though she may ask me to do flash cards again and again, I will just promise her to continue the next day or read the story books for her instead.

Well, I do have a question here too, Why my daughter didn’t look like as she is able to read at this point? hmmm,I think it should be ok as long as I do flash cards before her, she would be able to stimulate her right brain though she doesn’t know reading yet!

Anyhow, i’m very happy with her enthusiasm in participating all this learning activities :yes:

I faced the same problem when my son was 5months. I started showing ppt that includes pic and words when he was 3months.After that when i switched on to flash cards he showed little interest. So i stopped showing ppt for a week or two.Then made big flash cards containing words only,now he is 6.5 months and is very intersted in flash cards.
May be giving a break for a week or two may help you.Also initially you can avoid showing pics,try out showing words first and later on as your baby gets interested in words,u can add pics gradually…
best wishes,

Hi all,

Thanks … seems like babies learn at their own different pace. Seems like at one stage or another, their preferences changes. Think we just have to continue doing or stop for a short while. We have to tailor to their needs and change our strategy accordingly but never lose hope. that’s my thought … lol

Hi Jean,

Maybe you can start to make your own books for your baby to start her on recognising the words. You are on GD right? GD books teaches how to make books for your baby

hi Wynnie mom,

Many thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

I do have tons of books and she always ask me to read for her, eventhough she is very sleepy or tired… Her favorite books now are Peter and Jane, Letterland and nursery rhymes…Her preference always changes so I usually expose her with some other books every 1 or 2 weeks time.

Yet, she doesn’t know the normal words like cat, dog, Peter and Jane, even A - Z though I flashed her this words before and pointing to the words when i’m reading to her… Could it be somewhere went wrong???

Hello Winnye Mom
My 12mo does not do flashcards either (whether on the computer or not). The only thing which works is Little Pim. We started showing her the Mandarin DVD during either lunch time or dinner time, since she was 8mo, EVERY day. She’s hooked and adores it. Sure it does not help with her reading (they do show some characters but learning is not the main goal of the series). So i’ve now purchased them in French as well (which is the language we speak at home). I’m yet to receive them.

Hi Jean, Hypatia,

I think we are all too anxious on seeing results… I guess as long as they enjoyed doing it, it should be fine. As Glenn Doman said it as long as both parents and kids are enjoying it, it should be right. Guess we shouldn’t worry too much. :clown:

Strongly agree with u Wynnie Mom :wink: