Toddler Journals

Has anyone ever done a journal with their toddler? I started one this weekend and am keen to know if anyone else has and how they went about it.

This is basically what I have done so far:

From 12 months I have been telling my daughter every evening what she has done that day.
Since she started talking we have started asking her in the evening what the best part of her day was or what she did that day.
This weekend I started writing down the words she said and then putting them into a sentence that I say or read to her. (I put the words she says in inverted commas so I can also track her speech)
Then I let her scribble in the book we are using as she also wants to “draw”

Basically the idea is to get her used to learning about time and the events of a day, to learn how to read the words she says and I think it’ll also teach her how to form sentences better (she still only talks in single words and phrases) and finally make her more keen on writing.

She seems to enjoy it as part of the bedtime routine and has become quite vocal. Because I just write down what she says very often we get “purple” - I am drawing with a purple koki now, but its a good record of where she is at right now.

Thank you. I started talking to my baby about his activity for the day. Or in the morning, I would tell him its another day talk to him about what were gonna do for the day. Hopefully, this technique will give him idea or concept of time and day. Thanks for great tips!

Thats an amazing idea

journals are great, we use them all of the time, however, I use pre-printed forms that my little one can glue the answers on, or we just circle the answer, etc. It sort of cuts done on time. Also we have velcro boards that we use about what we did get done and what we are going to work on for the next day. I use journals for science, colors, sight words, etc. we use them all of the time for just about everything. We are reviewing the sroy of Creation (faith based) and for our journal we are coloring a pre-printed sheet for each day, then at the end of the week we combine the pages into a neat Creation theme pack. It help sme to organize the child’s work better. I also use journals for high school children too. That we have made to be our independent work for the week, with a theme of course. I use pre-printed theme pages for each grade except in art, the art journals they actually create the art we are discussing.

mother of faith,
thank you for posting your website. You have volunteered so much useful info again and again. Karma. :smiley:

I am going to try to post some of my journal templates soon on the site KIA soon. We are gathering all of our curriculum to place on there as well.

Thats really nice idea.Thanks for making us notice to this idea…
