Tips to keep my 2 year old engaged?

Hey everybody I have a 2 year old daughter and she constantly needs someone looking after her because she is very naughty . I always have a hard time looking after her , she reminds me of a little whirlwind whooping around the house leaving tiny to massive ( depends on her mood ) destruction behind . I had a full time job before the delivery but then I took a couple of years off to look after her after my pregnancy . I am thinking of going back to school again . I will be doing a diploma on esthetics ( ) two months later . The problem is DD and I live alone . I was thinking of hiring a nanny to take care of her when I am in class . But I would like someone who is reliable and has a lot of patience with kids . Is there anyway I could keep my daughter engaged so she does not create any tantrums when there is a nanny in the house . She generally creates havoc when she is bored :slight_smile:

It is a nice idea that you restarted your studies. Also, a nanny care service is the best for looking after your child. While selecting, be conscious and alert. A caretaker can keep your child engaged and they are well trained in handling different moods of your child.