Tips on teaching colours, body parts etc. ?

I’d like to hear your tips on how to teach various things to young babies (>1 year)

So far the only tricks I have to teach my baby (9m) about the body is the song ‘Head, shoulder knees and toes’ and saying ‘i’m washing your toes’ in the bath.

I’m lacking ideas on silly little songs or games to introduce her to colours, animals…

We are often out, with her on the pram or at the park and i could use those moments to interact with her.

when ever you name an object also state the colour it is, this way they learn fast and READ colour teaching stories books etc…

We play with toys like this:
where do little bear has it’s nose? here it is! (pointing)
when she is upset, this game always helps because she likes to show that she knows all the body parts.

colours - I found a lot of tips with googling.
she learned colours one after one, few weeks per colour. the first was brown. I used to comment what is in her diaper, to encourage her toilet training. but in the result she learned the colour :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

YBCR videos and flash cards really helped my son learn his body parts.

Are you using the Little Reader program? There are some great files for colour and body parts.

I’ll be getting LR before the 20th of May. Can’t wait!

yes, the brillkids slideshow about the colours (you can get it for free immidiately) is the top 1 slideshow for my doughter :slight_smile:

Beside using “Where is Bear’s nose (or tail or other parts)?” game, I say out my 16 month old DD’s body parts when I clean them in the shower. She now knows most of her body parts like chin, cheek, arm, arm pit, chest, thigh, knee, finger nails, toe nails, eye brow and shoulders in addition to head, eyes, ears, mouth, fingers, toes, legs and tummy that I started teaching her during bath time since 2 month old. I’m now trying to teach other body parts such as brain and heart but I’m not sure how effective it will be as she can’t see them. Maybe I should try LR.

YBCR has the “heads and shoulders, knees and toes” song - you could add another verse and different body parts … it’s a very catchy tune and fun to touch either your body parts or your childs body parts when you sing it to them.

Thank you all for those great tips. Please keep posting.
I have printed a few sections of the Karl Witt book to find more ideas. Will let you know.

we have a small ball pool at home with different color balls in it… whenever we play with balls I ask him to give me a particular color. apart from that there is a color in everything … whenever he is in a good mood I tell him the color & the shape…
as for a s the body parts are concerned I used to show him flash cards with pictures… & while playing used to teach him one part at a time… sometime ask for his nose & sometime mine…
he now good at colors & body parts… :slight_smile:

A small ball pool! Brilliant! I have a great container for this and need to find the balls now. Great. K to you Piyu.

but please remember that asking “which colour is this” is testing; we should not do it too often. (I did and I stopped this.)

A great book to read to your child about colours is “Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?”.

We just picked up a board book copy at Costco.