Tips on introducing baby sign?

hi, can share with me how you teach baby sign to your baby? my little girl is 4months old now. i’m interested to introduce baby sign to her now, but i don’t know how to introduce. i bought signing time DVDs.

  1. show DVD from signing time everyday? one lesson show how many times? or better to show alternately?
  2. show flash cards several times per day?

any other tips? any good books to recommend for parent how to introduce baby sign? thanks.

can i combine ‘signing time’ with LR? will this confuse my baby if i introduce too much program at the same time? thanks…

Signing time and LR are very different so I wouldn’t worry about any confusion.

I think the most important part of teaching your baby to sign is consistently signing to your baby. A video is a bonus, because it’s more exposure, and with kids doing it. But, to me, the biggest benefit (and I’ve just discovered them myself, and taught two kids to sign without any special videos) is teaching YOU the signs quickly and easily.

I wouldn’t get hung up on how often to show the videos. Just whenever you want, definitely enough for you to learn the signs.

And don’t give up if your baby doesn’t sign when you think she “should”. Some may sign as early as 6 or 7 months, but a lot hold out until a year or longer. And then when the language explodes, signing can explode too. :slight_smile:

Maquenzie, thanks for ur replies. is the bottom lines ‘repetition’?

i’m a working mom. do you think i shd teach my helper who is taking care of baby the signing, so she can teach bb signing too? or, i shd do it myself? thanks.

Yes! If it’s possible to get the babysitter on board, definitely do it! And the signing time videos are the perfect tool for teaching both of them. :slight_smile:

I would start with some needs signs.

All done
And sibling or pets.

These are a great starting point. You don’t need to do any thing special but use the signs when you say the words. Just keep doing them daily in a casual way as you use the words. No need to show signing time videos or to try and teach the words in a sitting. When you feed her just sign eat. And if she is having fun sign more and ask if she wants more. Or if she seems bothered sign all done.

Nap/night night

Are all next level. Just add signs of things as he is interested and starts to play with them.

That all being said. The Baby Signing Time (as opposed to just the Signing Time) videos are for the 0-3 age and are quite enjoyable. They are a bonus treat for my son. The Baby Signing Time Videos have more singing, and they feature only babies under 2 years. My son is 18 months. I have been signing since he was a few months old. He has a speech delay so we have started introducing Baby Signing Time as a reinforcement and fun addition to the words that he can sign. It is also his first introduction to TV. He has not have any TV time until very recently.